Might be adopting a friends "seramas"


Apr 3, 2020
West PalmBeach, FL
Hey everyone - a friend has 3 "seramas" that he is thinking of getting rid of and I may take them. The reason I am putting quotes around the name is because they seem too big to be seramas. I had him weigh them for me and they weight 1.14lbs, 1.24lbs, and 1.28lbs each. I was always under the impression that seramas would max out at 16 ounces max for a larger specimen. So I'm thinking that these girls must be another breed - but I have no clue.

Here is a photo of the 3 girls in question. The mosaic colored girl is 1 year old and has been laying - she has a single comb thats flopped over a little to the side in the photo. The other two are supposedly just around 6 months old and have not yet started laying.


Do any bantam experts have any ideas for me? They're gorgeous and ill probably pick them up tomorrow or Tuesday if he let's me :)
Hey everyone - a friend has 3 "seramas" that he is thinking of getting rid of and I may take them. The reason I am putting quotes around the name is because they seem too big to be seramas. I had him weigh them for me and they weight 1.14lbs, 1.24lbs, and 1.28lbs each. I was always under the impression that seramas would max out at 16 ounces max for a larger specimen. So I'm thinking that these girls must be another breed - but I have no clue.

Here is a photo of the 3 girls in question. The mosaic colored girl is 1 year old and has been laying - she has a single comb thats flopped over a little to the side in the photo. The other two are supposedly just around 6 months old and have not yet started laying.

View attachment 2386702

Do any bantam experts have any ideas for me? They're gorgeous and ill probably pick them up tomorrow or Tuesday if he let's me :)
I can tell you they‘re all girls, lol.
Hey everyone - a friend has 3 "seramas" that he is thinking of getting rid of and I may take them. The reason I am putting quotes around the name is because they seem too big to be seramas. I had him weigh them for me and they weight 1.14lbs, 1.24lbs, and 1.28lbs each. I was always under the impression that seramas would max out at 16 ounces max for a larger specimen. So I'm thinking that these girls must be another breed - but I have no clue.

Here is a photo of the 3 girls in question. The mosaic colored girl is 1 year old and has been laying - she has a single comb thats flopped over a little to the side in the photo. The other two are supposedly just around 6 months old and have not yet started laying.

View attachment 2386702

Do any bantam experts have any ideas for me? They're gorgeous and ill probably pick them up tomorrow or Tuesday if he let's me :)
They are gorgeous 🥰😍💞
They are not Seramas. Body type is wrong for that breed, as well as size. The two lavender birds look quite gamey, although they have the wrong color of legs for Old English game bantams, at least for the American standard. The other looks like a mix.

But they are attractive and very cute birds, and look healthy. If I was you I would take them.
I picked them up today and they are even more gorgeous in person!!!! They make the most adorable noises as well. They are super flighty (the reason my buddy was getting rid of them). Their first night home today and at like 530 (an hour and a half before sunset) they flew up into our mango tree and put themselves to bed 😅

I'll probably lock them up in the coop/run for a few days until they understand its their new home. I want to avoid clipping their wings - but we live in a residential neighborhood fence to fence with a bunch of neighbors with dogs - don't want to risk them ending up in the wrong place. Might have to clip their wings if they're still super flighty and going into trees after being locked up for a few days.

Does anyone else have any idea what type of bantams these might be?

I'm having a super hard time finding any resources anywhere that help identify bantam breeds... if anyone has any - id love if youd share!
The two Lavenders are Self Blue Old English Game Bantam pullets. The patterned hen could be a Mille Fleur Old English Game Bantam, except her legs aren't yellow. Perhaps she's a MF OEGB x Serama?

I'd clip their wings. Bantams can be very tenacious when it comes to defying where you want them to sleep. Clipped wings keeps them in the fence and out of the neighbors' yards where dogs could hurt them.
The two Lavenders are Self Blue Old English Game Bantam pullets. The patterned hen could be a Mille Fleur Old English Game Bantam, except her legs aren't yellow. Perhaps she's a MF OEGB x Serama?

I'd clip their wings. Bantams can be very tenacious when it comes to defying where you want them to sleep. Clipped wings keeps them in the fence and out of the neighbors' yards where dogs could hurt them.
Thank you so much for your help!!! Both of those sound pretty accurate :)

And ya I think I'm going to have to clip them - definitely don't want to risk anything happening.

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