Open Contest May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest


Motherā€™s Day is coming soon! šŸ˜‚
I havenā€™t worked in 6 months and Mondays are still awfulā€¦ā€¦I feel like I should be doing something productive
You get used to it. Just make a chores schedule.
Yep, exactly. Now, if I was getting paid to sit on my @$$, that would be a different story.
You need to read your emails. I get one everyday that says something along the line of "make money while sitting at home" šŸ¤£
This is the tamest image I could find that explains the question.
(Feel free to pass.)
In 1400's Romania Vlad and his brother, sons of the ruler were kidnapped by forces of the Ottoman Empire (Turks) and raised to be soldiers. Vlad escaped and returned to become leader of his country but his brother remained loyal to the Turks.
With the Ottomans advancing and unable to get help from the rest of Europe, Vlad began a scorched earth, terror defense which included impaled prisoners, lepers etc. to impress and demoralize the invaders.
More fun. Vlad Tepes is widely believed to be the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula. He's one of the most brutal leaders in history. As an aside, he and his brother were not abducted. Their Father sent them to the court of the Ottoman Sultan as political hostages of a sort, to ensure the Sultan that he was aligned with Ottoman policies. Sending children to foreign courts as token of alliance was pretty common all over Europe for centuries.

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