Lots of broken feathers, especially on chest and stomach


8 Years
May 7, 2011
I noticed my hen has a TON of broken feathers, maybe at the halfway point, that are broken. They are mostly on her chest and stomach but in other areas as well. She is a SLW so in these are areas, it basically looks like a big patch of grey and fuzziness since they are broken past the "lacy" part.

She is my top girl so she isn't getting picked on. She is a little older, maybe 5? and survived a terrible dog attack last summer/fall right when she was growing her feathers in during a molt but she never had any injuries in the area where the feathers are broken. Skin looks normal in this area as well. But it still is quite a few that are broken!

Just curious if anything could be causing this or if I shouldn't worry about it.


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