Lavendar Orpington Rasp


9 Years
Mar 30, 2015
Yesterday I got four Lavendary Orpington babies to fill out hens out and one of them seems to have a rasp. I'm not sure if its the same baby that jumped in the watering dish in a rush to get away from my hubby's hand but she has a rasp, she doesn't seem like she's less lively or lathargic or even struggling to breathe tho. Its like a click sound. She is eating, and drinking, sleeping with the others, lively, likee.. she runs. lol.. but i'm worried about it being asperation? idk what to do, they are at most a week old, the guy never specified, they haven't started loosing their down fluff yet so i believe i'm right in my estamate. Idk if vet RX will work for this because i have some but i can't get ahold of a vet till tomarrow to ask about maybe getting some antibiotics rounded up for her. (though i doubt they will because this vet is more a cow vet and tends to suggest putting down sick younglings so i found out) I just wanted to know if i should do anything, if i should be worried. I've raised chicks but i always had just a rough go of it and i really don't want to loose a baby regardless of cost or type.

Like i said. I yhink they are a week at most and i got them from a local farmer. The little one in question can sneeze and she breathes fine then its like she has drainage because it sounds like its all in her nose

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