Late hatcher not thriving. Need advice


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2020
Hello all,
I have a group of chicks that hatched out about a week and a half ago. The last two to hatch required some assistance getting out. The first of these is doing fine even though he is a bit smaller Than the others. He eats and drinks all by himself and is in the brooder with the others. The last to hatch is struggling. She wasn’t eating and drinking on her own at first so we used a dropper to get nutri-drench spiked water and egg yolk in her. A day or so later we started giving her moistened starter feed using the dropper. Up until a few days ago she was getting better and better. Able to stand on her own and eat and drink from little bowls on her own. Then a few days a go she started regressing. She’s not eating or drinking on her own, even when I dip her beak in the water, not like she used to. I’m back to hand feeding her. And she used to cheep sooo much and now it’s like her cheep is broken. Like chick laryngitis. She’s kept separate from the bigger chicks because they peck at her hobbles for splay leg and will run her over.

What else can I do? Am I missing something? Why would she start to regress? Is it hopeless to expect her to get better? This is the first set of eggs for me to hatch on my own and I’m pretty upset that this little girl is struggling.

Thanks for any advice
He is doing so much better!! Still not as big as the others but fully functioning on his own. Thank you

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