Laboured breathing


Professional Chicken Wrangler
May 23, 2021
Central Ontario, Canada
My nine month old pullet Rose presented with this excessive laboured rattly gurgley breathing at roost time. I did not notice it a few hrs earlier when they were running about.

The weather here has been extremely hot and excessively humid, I put the fan on high in the hen house were they roost in the hopes it’s just the high heat and humidity, and I have been just monitoring her tonight. If no changes in morning I will bring her to my Vet.

Has anyone had any similar symptoms? This is really freaking me out - they all have the run of the barn during the day so not sure if maybe she got into something??

It looks like normal panting to me, she's probably fine.
Is she lethargic at all?
It wasn’t so much the panting as the gurgling and rattling with the breathing that had me freaked out!!

At any rate I checked her at midnight still huffing and puffing, so cranked the fan up higher.

At 3am I just checked the barn cam and she seemed to have settled so I didn’t go out, when I did morning chores I brought her out of the hen house alone to listen to lungs and generally assess her. Lungs clear, she was a bit wheezy and had a few sneezes, but she ran over to the feed and started chowing down- I fed horses kicked them out then let the rest of the hens out. They all ran around like normal Rose included and she seemed ok.

So I am chalking it up to over heated, though I have never had one be rattly like that😳

I am going to keep the fan in the hen house blasting all the time now, and will try to keep her from over heating, maybe not let them outside if extreme heat and humidity.

Rose much better fluffing in the dirt this afternoon

It wasn’t so much the panting as the gurgling and rattling with the breathing that had me freaked out!!

At any rate I checked her at midnight still huffing and puffing, so cranked the fan up higher.

At 3am I just checked the barn cam and she seemed to have settled so I didn’t go out, when I did morning chores I brought her out of the hen house alone to listen to lungs and generally assess her. Lungs clear, she was a bit wheezy and had a few sneezes, but she ran over to the feed and started chowing down- I fed horses kicked them out then let the rest of the hens out. They all ran around like normal Rose included and she seemed ok.

So I am chalking it up to over heated, though I have never had one be rattly like that😳

I am going to keep the fan in the hen house blasting all the time now, and will try to keep her from over heating, maybe not let them outside if extreme heat and humidity.

Rose much better fluffing in the dirt this afternoon

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Keep an eye on her.
How is Rose doing?
Oh so sorry, I have so many replies I missed yours. Rose is awesome thanks for asking! This past year she has settled into laying eggs and trying to climb the social ladder

Here she is checking the horses feed bucket - she loves her food and anyone else’s also ha!

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