Keeping the duck run dry


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2017
I have a pretty big "duck run" with 3 ducks. The pen is constantly wet and its atttacting flies. I have fly traps now which is helping a bit but how can i keep the ground somewhat dry? I tried straw but i think that its just masking the wet ground underneath.
Thank you
My duck run is based with 3 inches of pea gravel. On top of that I have industrial chef mats with large holes in them. Top surface is nearly always clean bc the mats rinse off in seconds with the hose and water/muck drains right through the pea gravel and into the soil. Couldn't imagine having it any other way. EXTREMELY low maintenance! Added bonus, earthworms live and breed under the mats so at any time I can pick one up and the girls have a virtual buffet of treats
If you use gravel to cover their run, wouldn't that keep them from being able to forage? Which would in turn cause them to only be able to eat the store bought feed and any scraps you throw them in the morning?. We are new to ducks (just got ducklings two days ago) and they love that their temporary run allows them to forage. I imagine if it was covered in gravel or a mat they would not be able to forage at all while we are away at work. However it is VERY wet (attracting lots of flies already) and as they are still fairly young they are making a huge mess! We are in the process of building their home which I know should have a hard floor, but I am really wondering about their run.... eventually they will free range, but until then I am unsure of what to do. Any thoughts?
The pool on blocks or sand with a slope to run out of run.
Forage is great in the Run when your not able to let them out...I only free range when I'm home and my Dogs are out.
Would you suggest to put the waterer on a block as well? Currently ours is simply a bowl on the ground and they keep knocking it over. They sort of dip their beaks in and scoop up, so we chose not to use one of the chicken waterers that we had which wouldn't allow for that scooping motion.

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