Is this bumblefoot?


5 Years
Mar 1, 2019
Coopersville, Michigan
My favorite boy started limping yesterday. I think he has it on both feet.

I have read about treating it, but I will definitely have questions if someone confirms that it is bumblefoot.


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Yes, that is bumblefoot. The large black spot/scab is classic. Sometimes you may also find a red swollen bump between toes on the top of the foot. I would begin treatment with soaking the feet daily in warm Epsom salts water in a tub or bucket to soften the scab. There are various treatments, such as sugardine dressings, Prid, surgery, removing the scab to squeeze out the solid pus inside, and koi fish antibiotic soaks that some use.
Thanks for your reply!

If you could take a look at my plan and give me any comments or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm going to trim his foot feathers first.
Soak twice a day (15 minutes each) in warm Epsom salt water.
I have MicrocynAH spray, Prid, and Neosporin (NON pain relief). I also have guaze and vet wrap. I've wrapped feet before, so that part shouldn't be a problem. I did also buy some corn pads, if you think that would be a good idea.

My questions are:
How much Epsom salt to put in the water?
Should I try to remove the scabs after the first soak? With sterile tweezers?
Should I squeeze the area like a pimple to try to get the kernel and pus out? And if so, how often?
Should I use the spray, Prid, and Neosporin all together?
Is there anything I'm missing?

He's such a sweet boy and comes in the house for breakfast every day. I've set up a large cage for him. It has sweet pdz in the bottom. Is that ok? Otherwise, I could change it to shavings.

Sorry for all the questions. I'm just so worried about him and want to do the best I can for him.

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