Is this a recognized color pattern for Japanese, and are Japanese feathers supposed to be like this?


Jun 26, 2012
This is my gorgeous 20-week-old Japanese bantam, Sushi. I know her legs are too long, and I don't plan to either breed or show her. Once she's a little bigger, she'll go out to live with my D'Uccles and D'Anvers. Her father was a blue frizzle Japanese and her mother was a BBR Japanese. I know the guy who bred her and saw both of the parents. She's a character and a half, but her feathers are...weird. They're fluffy, soft, and kind of raggedy-looking, and only a few of them are stiff like the ones on my Belgian girls and boy. Are all Japanese bantam's feathers like this? Or is it because her dad is a frizzle? And what the heck do you call this color pattern? It's got buff and grey and blue in it, with pretty blue ears. The divot in her beak is from my lowest-ranking D'Anvers girl, who eats doves for breakfast and mistook Sushi for a dove last week when we went out to hang laundry. And no, I would NEVER let her watch Jeopardy with me, so that is not a blanket and sofa!

The color pattern is not a recognized Jap color but is considered mixed coloring. She looks younger than 5 months to me. I think when she gets her big girl feathers on, they will look more normal.
I was so struck by the pretty little chicken in your lap NOT watching Jeopardy on the UN-sofa and the UN-blanket, that I googled Japanese bantams.
I found they are called Chabo in most countries. As for her color, she looks like a bowl of blueberries and peanut butter.
She is pretty, even if she does look like a bowl of yummies.

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