Is my duckling sick?

To avoid some mess from watering dish....get a paint tray and the paint screen that goes inside the tray. Put the watering dish/bowl into that..when the ducks got bigger i just got a glass vase they could dunk head in and put that onto the paint screen..then the mess goes into the tray...worked for me last bunch of ducklings....
Update: Now, my khaki campbell is squacking in a congested way (sort of like a croak) as if something is stuck in her throat. I noticed some watery stuff coming out around her beak. It looks like throw-up. I recognize pieces of feed in it and little black circles...
So im assuming that maybe she choked on something and is throwing it up? Is this a good or bad sign?
Ducklings can be delicate (some more than others), sometimes if they are handled right after eating/drinking this can happen. Hopefully this is all it is. I would leave her be for awhile. Check on her frequently, but don't pick her up. Take a video if you can. Update us and let us know if this continues or if she seems to settle back down. If you are able to share a photo of the brooder (maybe from above) so we can see where the heat is, and your food, water, and bedding containers/setups that would be great.

What kind of bedding is in the brooder?
What is your heat source?
What kind of container is the water in?
Has she eaten anything other than pellets/crumbles?
Is there grit available?
Can you better explain what happens when she tries to walk? Do her legs shake? Does she fall over? Does she go backwards or in circles or anything else unusual?
She died. It's really sad.

Now my Peking is always crying for me and trying to jump out of the box. She's lonely. Should I buy another duckling so she can have a friend? If so, they won't fight right ? They should be around the same age right?
I’m so sorry! It is sad. Another duckling friend would be good. I would get one soon so that they will be close in age, especially since the Pekin is so large. In the mean time, you can put a small mirror against the side of the brooder and possibly a small stuffed animal without any parts that could come off so that the Pekin may feel less alone.

Again, I’m sorry that you lost your little one. We lost one of our girls this week and it’s really hard.
I'm sorry she didn't make it. There is not a real good way to know exactly what happened. You did your best to help. I agree with the others that a mirror and a stuffed animal may help for now. I'd give the Pekin the BComplex even though it seems ok. I would definitely consider buying another duckling, the closer in age you can get it the better. Good luck.

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