Is my duck too big to breed with a smaller duck?


In the Brooder
Aug 2, 2021
I got a pekin duckling a little while ago and a Rouen duckling. They are getting bigger and soon they should start breeding, but I think I might have gotten a jumbo pekin. Unfortunately the Rouen seems to be smaller than usually. The jumbo pekin is a male and the Rouen is a female. I am scared that when he’s tries to mate with her, he will injury or kill her. Do you think I’m overreacting?
Here’s a pic
Jumbo pekins get big! I think you’re right to be concerned about breeding those two. Could you get him a Pekin girl and separate the Rouen one?
they will need to be seperated, my rouen girl and khaki girl are seperated from my pekin boys during mating season and only allowed with my khaki boy
My Jumbo Pekin Drake had a little Buff Orpington hen that absolutely adored him. They were a significant size difference as buffs are small (not bantam sized though) but they would mate in the water. It really depends on each individual duck and drake, in my experience. We lost my Jumbo Pekin and now my Buff has chosen my Pekin Drake to be her new mate, instead of the much closer in size Cayuga drake. My ducks don't mate out of the water though as my Buff spends a lot of her time in water. I understand your concern but in my opinion, if they are able to get in and out of the water, I would just keep a very close eye on them. Then again, it only takes one time for things to go wrong. What do your instincts say?
One other thing I found with my ducks (so this is only my personal experience) is that Jumbo Pekin Drakes and Pekin Drakes take longer to sexually mature than other smaller breeds. How old are these two now? I wonder if she's finished growing or will grow a little more?
My Jumbo Pekin Drake had a little Buff Orpington hen that absolutely adored him. They were a significant size difference as buffs are small (not bantam sized though) but they would mate in the water. It really depends on each individual duck and drake, in my experience. We lost my Jumbo Pekin and now my Buff has chosen my Pekin Drake to be her new mate, instead of the much closer in size Cayuga drake. My ducks don't mate out of the water though as my Buff spends a lot of her time in water. I understand your concern but in my opinion, if they are able to get in and out of the water, I would just keep a very close eye on them. Then again, it only takes one time for things to go wrong. What do your instincts say?
My instincts say that I should wait until they start breeding and see if the girl grows
She won't grow - and based on her proportions she's not a rouen. Looks more like mallard. He's still got fluff and she's fully feathered so his growth will continue at a much greater rate. He WILL hurt her given time. It's just a matter of how badly and how soon.

Good luck with your decision.

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