Injured guinea keet

You’ve done the most amazing job with Numi! It’s so fantastic that you raised this singleton in the house, no doubt thinking she was a human, and she ended up with a mate and eggs and keets and does great with your new keets! What a fantastic bird she is!!! :love Yes, I’ve had a rough Guinea summer! See:
😟 gosh I hate reading that. I knew abt LP but somehow missed the update. Like you, I've seen more than common issues w/the favored supplier this yr. New hands,new issues, perhaps. 🤷‍♀️ lol..I'm still not sure what colors I ended up with,but it's fun watching them change.
The totem pole and the keets have been my challenge this summer. Numi chases the 7 constantly, the 7 are already developing a hierarchy that leaves Willow,Mockie & Zuri hiding (light colored ones).
And then there are the jumbos. We had 2 things happen at once - Mama dying and Brodie's beak breaking, that totally skewered our happy home.
Mia has been exerting authority over everyone since Mama died.
Brodie's beak has grown back, but it seems that made him become submissive. He lets Mia peck at Numi and the 7, take over his keets, & in general be a jerk.
Mia has circumvented me the past 2 days when I've been trying to get him out, and manages to take all of the keets with him, driving Numi to distraction bc she tries to get to them & I stop her- I am not losing THAT bird.
I boot Brodie out and he goes w/them & eventually he comes when I call & brings them back.
Today was bath day for all of the light colored ones. Mainly to calm Numi down and distract her until the keets were back, but that hierarchy thing =Willow,Zuri and Mockie constantly being 💩 on and hiding.
After the baths & yes, cuddles in their towels while I checked their skin & feet and trimmed nails & cuddled somemore bc who can resist those blue eyes? - I put the 4 in the old coop where they could dry & preen in the sunshine while adjusting to being together,& that went well. Ideally I want Numi to be able to integrate when the keets are gone.
But once the keets returned Numi marched them back to the other coop and chased everyone out, so she & keets are in one coop, the 7 are in the other coop, & my the 2 jumbos are sleeping in the run tonight so that I can send them out 1st thing before opening the coops. New keet owners may end up with a doting adult uncle if he doesn't chill out. He's very protective of them but not so much anyone else smaller than him. Poor Zuri looks like he'sdone battle a few times.😟 But their feet look great!
Photo ops- few and far in between. Numi, a constant flurry of motion, shots after this were her tail in taking keets back to coop. Motherhood has been rough on my girl. Screenshot_20220909-112652_Yahoo Mail.jpg
The 3 wall flowers tend to stick together so I sliced and diced to get close ups.
Zuri had the tan shading when a keet as if a blonde, but I don't think this is what a blonde is supposed to look like. Zuri means white or gold thread; since he's neither white nor blonde I figured it fit. He has very light tan shading.🤷‍♀️ well, once you gett 💩 off, Mia has given him quite the headache, literally. Even his cere is beat up. 20220909_113401.jpg
Willow has always been an outcast and spends most of her time hiding until I call for her. She's becoming a beauty. Her dots are far fewer and there is more blue where the dots have receded, but she still has dots.🤷‍♀️ Screenshot_20220909-112721_Yahoo Mail.jpg
Mockie is another who hides and waits for me to call. These 3 get time set aside to eat on their own bc they get shut out. Again, Mockie is gorgeous, but chocolate? Her color is changing, and quite Screenshot_20220909-112710_Yahoo Mail.jpg Screenshot_20220909-112727_Yahoo Mail.jpg 20220909_113415.jpg 20220909_113457.jpg striking after her bath, but again, though fewer, she still has dots. Mb she is the blonde. She was also diff to get pics of.


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😟 gosh I hate reading that. I knew abt LP but somehow missed the update. Like you, I've seen more than common issues w/the favored supplier this yr. New hands,new issues, perhaps. 🤷‍♀️ lol..I'm still not sure what colors I ended up with,but it's fun watching them change.
The totem pole and the keets have been my challenge this summer. Numi chases the 7 constantly, the 7 are already developing a hierarchy that leaves Willow,Mockie & Zuri hiding (light colored ones).
And then there are the jumbos. We had 2 things happen at once - Mama dying and Brodie's beak breaking, that totally skewered our happy home.
Mia has been exerting authority over everyone since Mama died.
Brodie's beak has grown back, but it seems that made him become submissive. He lets Mia peck at Numi and the 7, take over his keets, & in general be a jerk.
Mia has circumvented me the past 2 days when I've been trying to get him out, and manages to take all of the keets with him, driving Numi to distraction bc she tries to get to them & I stop her- I am not losing THAT bird.
I boot Brodie out and he goes w/them & eventually he comes when I call & brings them back.
Today was bath day for all of the light colored ones. Mainly to calm Numi down and distract her until the keets were back, but that hierarchy thing =Willow,Zuri and Mockie constantly being 💩 on and hiding.
After the baths & yes, cuddles in their towels while I checked their skin & feet and trimmed nails & cuddled somemore bc who can resist those blue eyes? - I put the 4 in the old coop where they could dry & preen in the sunshine while adjusting to being together,& that went well. Ideally I want Numi to be able to integrate when the keets are gone.
But once the keets returned Numi marched them back to the other coop and chased everyone out, so she & keets are in one coop, the 7 are in the other coop, & my the 2 jumbos are sleeping in the run tonight so that I can send them out 1st thing before opening the coops. New keet owners may end up with a doting adult uncle if he doesn't chill out. He's very protective of them but not so much anyone else smaller than him. Poor Zuri looks like he'sdone battle a few times.😟 But their feet look great!
Was mama the one that hatched keets last year? What happened? :hit Oh yeah, you certainly have to take of care of precious Numi!!! ❤️ How old are her babies? You find a buyer for them? I’m trying to find a buyer for extra GF keets as the person I had lined up was injured so the deal feel through. Honestly I can’t decide whether to just keep them all, but that would mean 18 birds added to my current confusion of 25! That’s too much for my setup, but the new sky blue and pastel keets seem more delicate than I’m used to so I think that I may lose more of them, either to something like coccidiosis or to predators once I start letting them out. Do your GF birds act like your older ones? I’ve wondered if they will be less hardy and flock oriented due to inbreeding and selection of birds that do well in confinement?
The 3 wall flowers tend to stick together so I sliced and diced to get close ups.
Zuri had the tan shading when a keet as if a blonde, but I don't think this is what a blonde is supposed to look like. Zuri means white or gold thread; since he's neither white nor blonde I figured it fit. He has very light tan shading.🤷‍♀️ well, once you gett 💩 off, Mia has given him quite the headache, literally. Even his cere is beat up.View attachment 3253812
Willow has always been an outcast and spends most of her time hiding until I call for her. She's becoming a beauty. Her dots are far fewer and there is more blue where the dots have receded, but she still has dots.🤷‍♀️View attachment 3253814
Mockie is another who hides and waits for me to call. These 3 get time set aside to eat on their own bc they get shut out. Again, Mockie is gorgeous, but chocolate? Her color is changing, and quite View attachment 3253817View attachment 3253819View attachment 3253820View attachment 3253822striking after her bath, but again, though fewer, she still has dots. Mb she is the blonde. She was also diff to get pics of.
Yes Zuri is very light. Can you see dots? Could you tell if semi-dotted as a small keet? Willow looks like a gorgeous coral blue!!! Love the blues! I’d still guess chocolate for Mockie. My Coacoa didn’t get the real chocolate look until her final molt. It was actually a pretty dramatic and suddenly change from a color like “nutmeg” to the more bronzey chocolate color.



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Was mama the one that hatched keets last year? What happened? :hit Oh yeah, you certainly have to take of care of precious Numi!!! ❤️ How old are her babies? You find a buyer for them? I’m trying to find a buyer for extra GF keets as the person I had lined up was injured so the deal feel through. Honestly I can’t decide whether to just keep them all, but that would mean 18 birds added to my current confusion of 25! That’s too much for my setup, but the new sky blue and pastel keets seem more delicate than I’m used to so I think that I may lose more of them, either to something like coccidiosis or to predators once I start letting them out. Do your GF birds act like your older ones? I’ve wondered if they will be less hardy and flock oriented due to inbreeding and selection of birds that do well in confinement?
Yes, Mama hatched last year. This yr she was not inclined to nest in the coop and I restricted the hens free range time. Numi wasted no time setting up house. Mama tossed eggs where ever and refused to nest. I would let her go out in the afternoon for awhile once she'd layed.
There's what they call tile drainage between our property and the field on one side, some govt set up to promote drainage, but farmers are required to leave the land fallow & only mow it once a yr. Needless to say, it's bug haven. I'd let her out, was dealing w/the grandbaby, not knowing the farmer had decided that was the day to bring the bush hog through. I found her, decapitated.
Numi's keets are coming up on 4 wks. No, I haven't advertised them yet. I did message one who took some last year and wanted more, but he lost interest after his were taken by predators. Don't blame him, he'd bought them for his dtr.
Do they act like them...not sure in what way you mean. They did pile up like yours..My first losses I wasn't sure if they were sick or suffocated. Flock oriented? Does the term racist apply? I take my wallflowers out on their own to give them a breather. They all really are horrid to them. I've had to move things around to create escape routes, alter arrangements during the day so that there's "group time" and time for them to have feeders to themselves or just take a break. Whatever Zuri, Mockie & Willow are, they would be my "frail ones". Smaller, quieter, in comparison, Mockie's calls are whispers. Not sickly, just timid, like "I really want to sing joyously, but someone might hear me and then I get chased.."
The more I look into coccidia, amprollium, and thiamine the more convinced I am that if there are future shipped keets, 1st sign of illness, I'll start the corrid. The advice being commonly given doesn't make sense.
One is only buy from NPIP members to protect from a-z. But that's not true for guinea. Gf & others are members, but only for H5/H7 AI Clean Salmonella.
Then you have ppl saying give medicated feed, even when you offer evidence that medicated feed is not strong enough to treat an active case- and they keep right on telling ppl to do it, overriding the goal of allowing the bird to develop a resistance to the parasite.
They warn against treating too soon d/t risk of developing a resistance, but that doesn't make sense to me. We're not talking about germs and antibiotics or a bug developing a tolerance for insecticide. It's a parasite that thrives off of thyamine, and the amprollium blocks the uptake of thyamine by the parasite. "Continuous use of anticoccidial drugs promotes the emergence of drug-resistant strains of coccidia." (MERCK) I guess we'd need a definition of "continuous", bc obviously we aren't going to do that.
My thinking is you wait too long to treat and you lose 1/2 your flock. 🙋‍♀️ The only thing I haven't been able to ascertain is if it also blocks the thyamine from the bird, and if it's in the water rather than the feed, does it still interact with choline.
Whew, this going to be a long one! I haven't let any of them free range unsupervised yet. They are hillarious...they like the sound of their feet stomping on the metal pole barn, so I get a musical every day, then the no guts no glory jump down, then look over at me for applause, I guess. Mockie and Willow don't play that game. Lol.,,Mockie was dustbathing today in the berry patch and unearthed a couple of eggs. Ok, I won't humanize, but the look on her face was pretty funny!
So, my point, they seem less flock oriented and more gang oriented. 4 girls, 3 boys, yet they've shut out 2 females. Zuri doesn't cower, he just takes his lumps and keeps going. But, those two are much keener about watching their surroundings than females I've had before. It was always like the hens knew the boys were on guard and they didn't have to. These two have an eye to the sky and swivel necks. Mockie will look over at me as if checking my reaction to flyovers and strange noises. So that makes me feel good, bc previous hens were oblivious and one concern I have re Numi.
Yes Zuri is very light. Can you see dots? Could you tell if semi-dotted as a small keet? Willow looks like a gorgeous coral blue!!! Love the blues! I’d still guess chocolate for Mockie. My Coacoa didn’t get the real chocolate look until her final molt. It was actually a pretty dramatic and suddenly change from a color like “nutmeg” to the more bronzey chocolate color.

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Zuri had no dots. He had a tan patch between his shoulders and top of rump. Those are gone. Now he has some very light tan tips.
Now Cocoa has dots- that Carl person told me they had no dots. But he did tell me Willow's dots would molt out, and that does seem to be happening over time, but she still has them. I suppose different points of view are good, but you know me, I want set in stone expectations. Lol. Willow has her bustle going on already like she's the belle of the

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