injured but rugged little chick

This is day four and he is much better. Still not to sure about his sight. The wife puts some vitamins in the water for all the sick chicks. Now I know there is something wrong with his brain. I took him out and let him run around on the floor, as I reached for him I spilled a little brandy by him. Before I could get him, he took a drink, within about five minutes he was walking straight. Now after I take a nip or two I stagger, not this guy, he walks straight. go figure. I will keep you posted on his condition. Maybe he just needed a drink to fix him up.
...alcohol is poisonous to birds... so even though you attribute his walking straight to the couple nips of brandy it had I hope you do not allow it any more... great to hear it is still here and doing better...
I hope we all know alcohol is not good for our chickens, but the little bit he got seemed to work for him at the time. I spilled about as much as you would get from one drop from an eye dropper and he touched his peck twice before I could get him. Right now he is at the water container, he eats like every bite is his last. Today he is back to acting drunk, but I don't plan on giving him any more brandy, unless that is what it takes to keep him going. We will see how he does over the week end.
I think what is really keeping him going is the LOVE he is getting from the older chicks in with him, but I am going to have to move them this week end. They are much to big now for this brooder. I have four other chicks I can put in with him maybe they will take their place.

Since he can't have any more brandy, that leaves more for me. With that in mind, I think it is time for one over the rocks.
LOL, Panner
My grandmother raised canaries at one point. She went away for a week and told my GF that he had to take care of them. One of the instructions was to put a drop of whiskey in their water. You can see where this is going...
He put a drop of water in the whiskey...My GM came home to crocked canaries.
Well the little guy made a liar out of me, he is still going, I didn't think he would make it pass the first night. It looks like his eye is better, still have to clean it out 2 or 3 times a day. He still staggers around most of the time, I am selfish and won't give him any more brandy to straighten him up. It may be just a ploy to get a drink..............., but I don't give up my brandy that easy. What can you expect after being dropped on hes head? He is going to be the local pet, all the kids come over every day to see how he is doing & they give him more treats than he can eat. He is also the talk of the town, can't go anywhere without someone asking about him.

SpottedCrow. I think your GM & GF & I would get along just great. Great minds think alike.

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