Important question about my feed


May 23, 2022
Central Maine
I have a full bag that I just opened. It appears to have clumps but not hard.. more like almost webbed together? Like bugs do.. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the bug. I don't think it's moldy but I want to confirm with you all before I even decide to feed it to my chick's as it is chick crumble.. if it is bugs can I still feed it to my chick's? If it's mold wouldn't the clumped be firm? It's a new bag of feed made by nutrena.. I have always fed nutrena but never had this issue before.. thoughts? I'll get a picture and post it in a few

Edit: I didn't actually see any bugs btw
Ok so I went to get a picture of the loose clumps and literally couldn't find more.. I originally found 3 but upon touching or trying to pick it up it kinda fell apart. I did however find this....

So it seems I had mealie bugs packaged in the bag during processing? None of the feed was green or discolored otherwise.. will it still be safe for them to eat? Hate to waste the whole bag but definitely will if it might hurt my birds

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