Impacted crop: Dulcolax dosage needed


8 Years
May 28, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 6 yr old buff orpington. Yesterday she began isolating, standing, puffed up. She had food in her crop in the morning so I gave her veg oil and massaged her crop multiple times during the day. Today she never left the roost and her crop is more full and hard. I just went out and bought Dulcolax liquid. Can anyone tell me the dosage I should be giving?

Also, she's in the nest box right now - would she still lay or is she just hiding out? (Wondering If I should take her out to give meds or wait.)

Thanks in advance.
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The person that wrote the first thread about using Dulcolax for crop disorders didn’t at first make it plain that the Ducolax is only a brand name. You want to use the stool softener, not the laxative. The stool softener is doccusate sodium and the more common brand name is Colase. I would give one softgel. Just don’t use the laxative.
Oh no, too late. I gave the laxative but it didn't do much. Guess I will have to go out again get the softener.
Thanks for the clarification!
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Well, the first day the crop did seem to empty a lot after stool softener but not completely. She may have eaten last night after I left her on the roost because this morning her crop is full with feed. It's not completely full, but I can feel a ball of feed. I don't think she ate it this morning because when I went out there she was standing off by herself, puffed up, eyes half closed.

So now I have her crated in the house with water and coconut oil only. I have been massaging the crop every few hours, but no success.
Also her comb was drooping yesterday and seemed to be darker, but is red today.
She's 6 yrs old and from my original flock... When it rains... :(


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Sorry about your hen. I have a hen who I nursed for 5 weeks last year, and she has chronic crop issues that I have treated and treated. When I try to massage her firm and doughy crop, her comp tends to darken, and she has looked like she was going to die on me a few times. So, I am being hands off, and will give some coconut oil often, and leave her alone. She is 8 and roams around the yard all day. I will lose her one day, but she is still happy.
Well, that's a good point. Glad you shared it. I was thinking about letting her out because she's not interested in water - she's just sitting there. I am going to let her out and let her be a while.
The person that wrote the first thread about using Dulcolax for crop disorders didn’t at first make it plain that the Ducolax is only a brand name. You want to use the stool softener, not the laxative. The stool softener is doccusate sodium and the more common brand name is Colase. I would give one softgel. Just don’t use the laxative.
How do you give the softgel? Do you squeeze out the liquid and use a syringe? Or do they just eat the softgel?

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