I'm NOT a monster!!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 26, 2007
Utah Valley
...but my chicks seem to think i am.

My birdies are 2 weeks (and some) old. I hold each of them every day. I feed them the basics but also bring treats (hardboiled eggs and such) which they run from and then pick at after a while, once i've dropped them cause i've been holding them so long..... but when i'm there - even when i drop my hand into the brooder and just leave it there and move very slowly they FREAK and fly to the corners and squawk like they'd never been held. They warm up after i hold them a minute or so, but the freaking out every single time?

i want them to gather to my hand. i want a little love and tenderness. is that too much to ask?

what can i do?
when you aproach the brooder do you say something like "chick chick chick" ?

Because if you say the same thing while holding them and giving out treats they learn to associate that sound/word with good things and therfore you with good things
When I go to see my chicks, I always say "Hi girls" and I can hear them all scatter. when I get there, they know I am coming and aren't freaking out anymore. I put my hand down softly saying hi girls over and over and they eat the treats from my hand. they all gather around and much, but they still don't like to be held, and I really don't push it. It is fine with me. I do still pick them up and just let them hang out on my arm or shoulder. where ever they want to hang out.
They need to get a little older! I have a wide variety in age and the ones that are over a month hang out with me. That is the females, I take them out of the cage and I have no problem calling them back. The males are a little more work. I have to capture them.
I have 19 in the brooder....when I go out there, i call out...baaaabies!! i hear them wakeing up, and scattering...but when the hand goes in, they all run to see what new treat there will be for them. They LOVE B moths...the ones we use for fishing. They are soft and squishy....ewwww..but they love em!
My one year old RIR's come running after being out all day....when I call Baaaabies..chick chick chick...the know they are going to get a treat! For them its scratch tho. But helpes me round em up for the night! Good luck with your babies, they will come around. Be patient!
Thanks guys. That actually really does help. Knowing that they're just doing chick things is a big part of it. I need to get some treats they actually love. Those moths sound like just the thing. Where do I get them? at a bait shop or pet store?

Anne - I have 2 RIRs who are my eldest at 2 1/2 weeks or so, 2 Ameraucanas and a Black Australorp who are at about 1 1/2 weeksish, and today came home with a light brahma and a partridge brahma who are 4 days old. The middle group is definitely the gentler of the groups but the new ones are just babies
when my chickie is in her brooder she scatters a bit unless i cluck then she stays still and when i put my hand in she jumps on

i hope that is of help

im sorry if it didnt!!!!

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