I'm Gonna Try WD-40

Preservation Acres

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Murfreesboro, TN
Scaly Leg Mites...

I just read what seems like 1000 posts regarding using or not using WD-40 for Scaly Leg Mites.

I'm going to try it. For those of you who HAVE used it, do I just use it once and wait? When do I re-apply?

I recommend that you use a non-petroleum based oil. Olive or vegetable oil, bath oil, etc. are better choices.

That's good advice there,
No need for anything toxic when any oil will smother them​
I know there are many against this. But I dust my chickens with sevin dust from time to time. They never have mites. I know it is toxic but it saves me money from treating other things that may happen from infestations of pests like mites. Either way you choose, good luck with treating your problem.
This is a personal thing I guess.

I have been using WD-40 for well over 2 years to treat and even prevent SLM.

I have had birds so damaged by these critters that I thought it was a hopeless cuase.

I have saved quite a few birds by treating them with the dreded WD-40.

The girls and I have a standing tolerance for each other. I run my fingers down their legs at roost time and the ones
that have the least of a hint of raised scales gets a squirt of WD-40.

I have a happy, healthy and vibrant flock of hens that run with their respected roosters every day.

I have TOO many roos and am working on rehoming the ones that the hens do not like.

My hens will reject any roo that is a rapist or a bully. They simply WILL NOT free range with them.

We all have been through this debate over and over, but i am sold on WD-40. It is easy to appy and not a messy ordeal.

So go use your pam, your pine tar, your light oils and vaseline. The goonie is out in the chicken barn spraying the dreded 'Stuff".

I am also SOLD on DE. The barn is cleaned and DE is apply every so often.

BTW, the roos get treated too, they just do not tolerate it so well.

In two years of having GUINEAs, i have yet to see one with a case of SLM (scaley leg mites).

My Guineas do a communal dust bath in the horse pasture nearly every day.
Once every four days for a heavy infestation. Be sure to rub the legs every so oftern, do not pull off the crusted parts unless you know you will not harm your birds legs.

I run my hand over the birds legs and feel for raised scales. If I find a bird with this, they get ONE application and I wait for effect.

I can treat and then let the flock go for well over a month before I go back to "feeling legs".

A bird with a visible "crust" MUST be treated immediately, do not wait.

A word for birds with leg feahters such as cochins. Catch them, have a partner hold them and do a complete search of their legs.

These are the worst cases I do encounter.

Hope this helps.
UMMMM.....................WD40 is FISH OIL based. You can eat it. Wouldn't recommend it as it tastes pretty bad. Works great for a fish attractant because its fish oil.
I have some silkies I bought with really bad scaly leg mites and lice. I used olive oil the first night then washed them with a gentle flea and tick shampoo the next morning. After that I just put Corona Ointment on their legs every few days, they healed nicely. One of the hens lost a few toes their feet were so bad, but now they look like normal happy chickens!

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