I think it's time that itll be ok for ,e to tell my story.


Owner/Operator R&S Mini Velociraptor Petting Zoo
Feb 1, 2023
Four Oaks NC
Hello. This may be a long read, and it may have a lot of mistakes. Please be kind. You'll understand in just a bit.
From the day my husband and I got together, we said we were going to have a fewcacres and a homestead. I love all things country domibwas in. We lived in a big army town for 15 years. If I looked out any windows on the sides of our house, you saw into the neighbors house..I became culinary manager of Okive Garden in 2021. After a few months they transferred me north of where we were. We decided to relocate to halfway between my job and hubby's job.. That put us in gear to get our homestead. Dec 2021, we got our dream.
3 weeks later, I caught vivid. It was bad. There were days I still don't remember and I didn't think I was going to make it. By day10 after being forced back to work after 4 days off, I didn't want to make it. I was done.
I didn't realize then, those 10 days were easy compared to what was coming. I started having horrible headaches, pain so deep in my ears, I thought I was crazy. Panic attacks sometimes 3 times a day. Brain fog was driving me crazy. I went to the Dr every week sometimes 2 or 3 times. They kept saying long covid.. I was in the er so much that the er doc recommended to my primary care to check my brain. I the 3 weeks from the last revisit until the 1st MRI, I developed asthma, tourettes, palsy, and seizures. My MRI showed misfires in my brain. In 2 spots. Brain lesions, brain cysts and a mass near my madulla oblongata. Then the muscle pain and stiffness. I felt heavy and like I was stuck.
In just under 4 months I went from running around a busy restaurant kitchen 60 hrs a week to not being able to walk without a cane or assistance. April 28th I left the restaurant business for good.
the following months I almost died a couple times and still had no answers. Our ho,estradiol was staring to feel like a distant memory. Aug 4 I was having a good day and hubby had to go to Lowes.ci went with and they didn't have what he needed. He came back to the car and said they had what he needed at TSC. I perked up. Babies. I could look at the babies. While he shopped I stood at the bins. I was talking to the head manager, asking questions.
If you were to see me, you automatically see there's stuff going on. I have severe facial tick, and I make random noises. And I walk with a limp most days..I told him how I'd just have to get my fix watching theirs for now. He had stepped away and my husband walked up a little later and asked if I thought I could take care of a couple to start. I was so excited. Don the manager came back and let me go in and hand pick my new babies.they're weren't many but I wish I could've taken them all. My husband had already got the coop while I was looking. I got 6 chick's and 2 ducks, we did lose 1 duck so the next day, Iwe went back. I got 4 more chick's and 3 more ducks. I had my flock of feather babies. I now had 23 babies who needed me. I couldn't let them down.
Over the past few months, things have been fun, scary, hellish, but there has always been a soul to confide in.
I had lost the will to fight for me, but not them.
We decided yes, we are homesteading but, even if used for food, or doesn't work out or is a pet, they need to feel love. The people at the TSC I went that day, have been phenomenal. They check on me when I'm there all that good stuff.
I am still undergoing tests. I have MS. It progressed at a rapid rate. When I got covid, my body stopped fighting the hidden issues and when it was over, my body didn't have enough strength to fight anymore. I can't make red blood cells on my own and I've developed spasticity a d my neurological functions are destroyed.
The babies here, don't see the disabilities or the imperfections. They are just happy to see me. I sit and talk to them all everyday. The dogs, spiders, lizards, snakes, scorpion, and chickens. They get a greeting every morning and a lullaby every night. I know the risks and I know they will
Thanks for reading...im gonna be gone one day but that's OK.
I don't raise them as a commercial business. I raise them because my heart tells me they need me to.
I got 8 more chick's yesterday and I'm getting roosters. If I had my way, I'd have a 100 acre farm and a 1000 acre zoo.
Today I'm OK. I don't know about tomorrow. But I do know that there will be a stupidly big Belgian malinois by my bed in case I fall,
. His beast of a sister jumping in front leading the way. A chihuahua telling me its time to eat. A couple reptiles and arachnids to judge me for not waking up earlier. And 10 ladies who have the most amazing personalities and mind boggling quirks that think the sun shine out of my butt. 3 ducks who can't wait to swim and 8 babies that are just trying to figure this whole life thing out.
That in itself gives me a reason to keep going, to have hope, and to know that someone is going through the same thing I am and has it worse than me.
My animals saved my life.
Yes, they need me, but God I need them so much more.
I didn't write this wanting anyone to feel bad for me, I'm OK. I wanted to shine a light on how things
Can change in an instant. If you feel something isn't right in your body, don't stop trying to make them look. You are worth it.
Thank you to everyone I've learned something from. The ones who teach, not belittle. You are also the ones who give others the tools, knowledge and confidence to make their own happy place.
Thank you for reading. I'm going to go back to being a lurker now.
Hello. This may be a long read, and it may have a lot of mistakes. Please be kind. You'll understand in just a bit.
From the day my husband and I got together, we said we were going to have a fewcacres and a homestead. I love all things country domibwas in. We lived in a big army town for 15 years. If I looked out any windows on the sides of our house, you saw into the neighbors house..I became culinary manager of Okive Garden in 2021. After a few months they transferred me north of where we were. We decided to relocate to halfway between my job and hubby's job.. That put us in gear to get our homestead. Dec 2021, we got our dream.
3 weeks later, I caught vivid. It was bad. There were days I still don't remember and I didn't think I was going to make it. By day10 after being forced back to work after 4 days off, I didn't want to make it. I was done.
I didn't realize then, those 10 days were easy compared to what was coming. I started having horrible headaches, pain so deep in my ears, I thought I was crazy. Panic attacks sometimes 3 times a day. Brain fog was driving me crazy. I went to the Dr every week sometimes 2 or 3 times. They kept saying long covid.. I was in the er so much that the er doc recommended to my primary care to check my brain. I the 3 weeks from the last revisit until the 1st MRI, I developed asthma, tourettes, palsy, and seizures. My MRI showed misfires in my brain. In 2 spots. Brain lesions, brain cysts and a mass near my madulla oblongata. Then the muscle pain and stiffness. I felt heavy and like I was stuck.
In just under 4 months I went from running around a busy restaurant kitchen 60 hrs a week to not being able to walk without a cane or assistance. April 28th I left the restaurant business for good.
the following months I almost died a couple times and still had no answers. Our ho,estradiol was staring to feel like a distant memory. Aug 4 I was having a good day and hubby had to go to Lowes.ci went with and they didn't have what he needed. He came back to the car and said they had what he needed at TSC. I perked up. Babies. I could look at the babies. While he shopped I stood at the bins. I was talking to the head manager, asking questions.
If you were to see me, you automatically see there's stuff going on. I have severe facial tick, and I make random noises. And I walk with a limp most days..I told him how I'd just have to get my fix watching theirs for now. He had stepped away and my husband walked up a little later and asked if I thought I could take care of a couple to start. I was so excited. Don the manager came back and let me go in and hand pick my new babies.they're weren't many but I wish I could've taken them all. My husband had already got the coop while I was looking. I got 6 chick's and 2 ducks, we did lose 1 duck so the next day, Iwe went back. I got 4 more chick's and 3 more ducks. I had my flock of feather babies. I now had 23 babies who needed me. I couldn't let them down.
Over the past few months, things have been fun, scary, hellish, but there has always been a soul to confide in.
I had lost the will to fight for me, but not them.
We decided yes, we are homesteading but, even if used for food, or doesn't work out or is a pet, they need to feel love. The people at the TSC I went that day, have been phenomenal. They check on me when I'm there all that good stuff.
I am still undergoing tests. I have MS. It progressed at a rapid rate. When I got covid, my body stopped fighting the hidden issues and when it was over, my body didn't have enough strength to fight anymore. I can't make red blood cells on my own and I've developed spasticity a d my neurological functions are destroyed.
The babies here, don't see the disabilities or the imperfections. They are just happy to see me. I sit and talk to them all everyday. The dogs, spiders, lizards, snakes, scorpion, and chickens. They get a greeting every morning and a lullaby every night. I know the risks and I know they will
Thanks for reading...im gonna be gone one day but that's OK.
I don't raise them as a commercial business. I raise them because my heart tells me they need me to.
I got 8 more chick's yesterday and I'm getting roosters. If I had my way, I'd have a 100 acre farm and a 1000 acre zoo.
Today I'm OK. I don't know about tomorrow. But I do know that there will be a stupidly big Belgian malinois by my bed in case I fall,
. His beast of a sister jumping in front leading the way. A chihuahua telling me its time to eat. A couple reptiles and arachnids to judge me for not waking up earlier. And 10 ladies who have the most amazing personalities and mind boggling quirks that think the sun shine out of my butt. 3 ducks who can't wait to swim and 8 babies that are just trying to figure this whole life thing out.
That in itself gives me a reason to keep going, to have hope, and to know that someone is going through the same thing I am and has it worse than me.
My animals saved my life.
Yes, they need me, but God I need them so much more.
I didn't write this wanting anyone to feel bad for me, I'm OK. I wanted to shine a light on how things
Can change in an instant. If you feel something isn't right in your body, don't stop trying to make them look. You are worth it.
Thank you to everyone I've learned something from. The ones who teach, not belittle. You are also the ones who give others the tools, knowledge and confidence to make their own happy place.
Thank you for reading. I'm going to go back to being a lurker now.
:hugsThank you :hugs
Hello. This may be a long read, and it may have a lot of mistakes. Please be kind. You'll understand in just a bit.
From the day my husband and I got together, we said we were going to have a fewcacres and a homestead. I love all things country domibwas in. We lived in a big army town for 15 years. If I looked out any windows on the sides of our house, you saw into the neighbors house..I became culinary manager of Okive Garden in 2021. After a few months they transferred me north of where we were. We decided to relocate to halfway between my job and hubby's job.. That put us in gear to get our homestead. Dec 2021, we got our dream.
3 weeks later, I caught vivid. It was bad. There were days I still don't remember and I didn't think I was going to make it. By day10 after being forced back to work after 4 days off, I didn't want to make it. I was done.
I didn't realize then, those 10 days were easy compared to what was coming. I started having horrible headaches, pain so deep in my ears, I thought I was crazy. Panic attacks sometimes 3 times a day. Brain fog was driving me crazy. I went to the Dr every week sometimes 2 or 3 times. They kept saying long covid.. I was in the er so much that the er doc recommended to my primary care to check my brain. I the 3 weeks from the last revisit until the 1st MRI, I developed asthma, tourettes, palsy, and seizures. My MRI showed misfires in my brain. In 2 spots. Brain lesions, brain cysts and a mass near my madulla oblongata. Then the muscle pain and stiffness. I felt heavy and like I was stuck.
In just under 4 months I went from running around a busy restaurant kitchen 60 hrs a week to not being able to walk without a cane or assistance. April 28th I left the restaurant business for good.
the following months I almost died a couple times and still had no answers. Our ho,estradiol was staring to feel like a distant memory. Aug 4 I was having a good day and hubby had to go to Lowes.ci went with and they didn't have what he needed. He came back to the car and said they had what he needed at TSC. I perked up. Babies. I could look at the babies. While he shopped I stood at the bins. I was talking to the head manager, asking questions.
If you were to see me, you automatically see there's stuff going on. I have severe facial tick, and I make random noises. And I walk with a limp most days..I told him how I'd just have to get my fix watching theirs for now. He had stepped away and my husband walked up a little later and asked if I thought I could take care of a couple to start. I was so excited. Don the manager came back and let me go in and hand pick my new babies.they're weren't many but I wish I could've taken them all. My husband had already got the coop while I was looking. I got 6 chick's and 2 ducks, we did lose 1 duck so the next day, Iwe went back. I got 4 more chick's and 3 more ducks. I had my flock of feather babies. I now had 23 babies who needed me. I couldn't let them down.
Over the past few months, things have been fun, scary, hellish, but there has always been a soul to confide in.
I had lost the will to fight for me, but not them.
We decided yes, we are homesteading but, even if used for food, or doesn't work out or is a pet, they need to feel love. The people at the TSC I went that day, have been phenomenal. They check on me when I'm there all that good stuff.
I am still undergoing tests. I have MS. It progressed at a rapid rate. When I got covid, my body stopped fighting the hidden issues and when it was over, my body didn't have enough strength to fight anymore. I can't make red blood cells on my own and I've developed spasticity a d my neurological functions are destroyed.
The babies here, don't see the disabilities or the imperfections. They are just happy to see me. I sit and talk to them all everyday. The dogs, spiders, lizards, snakes, scorpion, and chickens. They get a greeting every morning and a lullaby every night. I know the risks and I know they will
Thanks for reading...im gonna be gone one day but that's OK.
I don't raise them as a commercial business. I raise them because my heart tells me they need me to.
I got 8 more chick's yesterday and I'm getting roosters. If I had my way, I'd have a 100 acre farm and a 1000 acre zoo.
Today I'm OK. I don't know about tomorrow. But I do know that there will be a stupidly big Belgian malinois by my bed in case I fall,
. His beast of a sister jumping in front leading the way. A chihuahua telling me its time to eat. A couple reptiles and arachnids to judge me for not waking up earlier. And 10 ladies who have the most amazing personalities and mind boggling quirks that think the sun shine out of my butt. 3 ducks who can't wait to swim and 8 babies that are just trying to figure this whole life thing out.
That in itself gives me a reason to keep going, to have hope, and to know that someone is going through the same thing I am and has it worse than me.
My animals saved my life.
Yes, they need me, but God I need them so much more.
I didn't write this wanting anyone to feel bad for me, I'm OK. I wanted to shine a light on how things
Can change in an instant. If you feel something isn't right in your body, don't stop trying to make them look. You are worth it.
Thank you to everyone I've learned something from. The ones who teach, not belittle. You are also the ones who give others the tools, knowledge and confidence to make their own happy place.
Thank you for reading. I'm going to go back to being a lurker now.
Thank you for sharing your heartwarming story, On my worst days the chickens make me happy, They are glad to see me and will entertain me for hours… You love your chickens and enjoy the sweet life ❤️✝️🐔
Bless you and keep on being the inspiration you are to others.
Hello. This may be a long read, and it may have a lot of mistakes. Please be kind. You'll understand in just a bit.
From the day my husband and I got together, we said we were going to have a fewcacres and a homestead. I love all things country domibwas in. We lived in a big army town for 15 years. If I looked out any windows on the sides of our house, you saw into the neighbors house..I became culinary manager of Okive Garden in 2021. After a few months they transferred me north of where we were. We decided to relocate to halfway between my job and hubby's job.. That put us in gear to get our homestead. Dec 2021, we got our dream.
3 weeks later, I caught vivid. It was bad. There were days I still don't remember and I didn't think I was going to make it. By day10 after being forced back to work after 4 days off, I didn't want to make it. I was done.
I didn't realize then, those 10 days were easy compared to what was coming. I started having horrible headaches, pain so deep in my ears, I thought I was crazy. Panic attacks sometimes 3 times a day. Brain fog was driving me crazy. I went to the Dr every week sometimes 2 or 3 times. They kept saying long covid.. I was in the er so much that the er doc recommended to my primary care to check my brain. I the 3 weeks from the last revisit until the 1st MRI, I developed asthma, tourettes, palsy, and seizures. My MRI showed misfires in my brain. In 2 spots. Brain lesions, brain cysts and a mass near my madulla oblongata. Then the muscle pain and stiffness. I felt heavy and like I was stuck.
In just under 4 months I went from running around a busy restaurant kitchen 60 hrs a week to not being able to walk without a cane or assistance. April 28th I left the restaurant business for good.
the following months I almost died a couple times and still had no answers. Our ho,estradiol was staring to feel like a distant memory. Aug 4 I was having a good day and hubby had to go to Lowes.ci went with and they didn't have what he needed. He came back to the car and said they had what he needed at TSC. I perked up. Babies. I could look at the babies. While he shopped I stood at the bins. I was talking to the head manager, asking questions.
If you were to see me, you automatically see there's stuff going on. I have severe facial tick, and I make random noises. And I walk with a limp most days..I told him how I'd just have to get my fix watching theirs for now. He had stepped away and my husband walked up a little later and asked if I thought I could take care of a couple to start. I was so excited. Don the manager came back and let me go in and hand pick my new babies.they're weren't many but I wish I could've taken them all. My husband had already got the coop while I was looking. I got 6 chick's and 2 ducks, we did lose 1 duck so the next day, Iwe went back. I got 4 more chick's and 3 more ducks. I had my flock of feather babies. I now had 23 babies who needed me. I couldn't let them down.
Over the past few months, things have been fun, scary, hellish, but there has always been a soul to confide in.
I had lost the will to fight for me, but not them.
We decided yes, we are homesteading but, even if used for food, or doesn't work out or is a pet, they need to feel love. The people at the TSC I went that day, have been phenomenal. They check on me when I'm there all that good stuff.
I am still undergoing tests. I have MS. It progressed at a rapid rate. When I got covid, my body stopped fighting the hidden issues and when it was over, my body didn't have enough strength to fight anymore. I can't make red blood cells on my own and I've developed spasticity a d my neurological functions are destroyed.
The babies here, don't see the disabilities or the imperfections. They are just happy to see me. I sit and talk to them all everyday. The dogs, spiders, lizards, snakes, scorpion, and chickens. They get a greeting every morning and a lullaby every night. I know the risks and I know they will
Thanks for reading...im gonna be gone one day but that's OK.
I don't raise them as a commercial business. I raise them because my heart tells me they need me to.
I got 8 more chick's yesterday and I'm getting roosters. If I had my way, I'd have a 100 acre farm and a 1000 acre zoo.
Today I'm OK. I don't know about tomorrow. But I do know that there will be a stupidly big Belgian malinois by my bed in case I fall,
. His beast of a sister jumping in front leading the way. A chihuahua telling me its time to eat. A couple reptiles and arachnids to judge me for not waking up earlier. And 10 ladies who have the most amazing personalities and mind boggling quirks that think the sun shine out of my butt. 3 ducks who can't wait to swim and 8 babies that are just trying to figure this whole life thing out.
That in itself gives me a reason to keep going, to have hope, and to know that someone is going through the same thing I am and has it worse than me.
My animals saved my life.
Yes, they need me, but God I need them so much more.
I didn't write this wanting anyone to feel bad for me, I'm OK. I wanted to shine a light on how things
Can change in an instant. If you feel something isn't right in your body, don't stop trying to make them look. You are worth it.
Thank you to everyone I've learned something from. The ones who teach, not belittle. You are also the ones who give others the tools, knowledge and confidence to make their own happy place.
Thank you for reading. I'm going to go back to being a lurker now.
That was beautiful. It has been said that when a door closes a window opens, and you have found your life's new purpose. I am very sorry for all you have been through, but so glad to know that your growing animal family brings you daily joy and peace. :hugs
Thank you for sharing you're personal story/journey! I too have had way too many ventures into the afterlife...but through it all, it's my animals that have made me have the mindset to 'stick around' awhile longer.

When I'm having a bad day I go sit with my birds and everything seems to fade away. I also know, no matter how 'bad a day' I'm having someone, somewhere else, is having it worse. Just keep a positive attitude and trust in the Creator.
Hello. This may be a long read, and it may have a lot of mistakes. Please be kind. You'll understand in just a bit.
From the day my husband and I got together, we said we were going to have a fewcacres and a homestead. I love all things country domibwas in. We lived in a big army town for 15 years. If I looked out any windows on the sides of our house, you saw into the neighbors house..I became culinary manager of Okive Garden in 2021. After a few months they transferred me north of where we were. We decided to relocate to halfway between my job and hubby's job.. That put us in gear to get our homestead. Dec 2021, we got our dream.
3 weeks later, I caught vivid. It was bad. There were days I still don't remember and I didn't think I was going to make it. By day10 after being forced back to work after 4 days off, I didn't want to make it. I was done.
I didn't realize then, those 10 days were easy compared to what was coming. I started having horrible headaches, pain so deep in my ears, I thought I was crazy. Panic attacks sometimes 3 times a day. Brain fog was driving me crazy. I went to the Dr every week sometimes 2 or 3 times. They kept saying long covid.. I was in the er so much that the er doc recommended to my primary care to check my brain. I the 3 weeks from the last revisit until the 1st MRI, I developed asthma, tourettes, palsy, and seizures. My MRI showed misfires in my brain. In 2 spots. Brain lesions, brain cysts and a mass near my madulla oblongata. Then the muscle pain and stiffness. I felt heavy and like I was stuck.
In just under 4 months I went from running around a busy restaurant kitchen 60 hrs a week to not being able to walk without a cane or assistance. April 28th I left the restaurant business for good.
the following months I almost died a couple times and still had no answers. Our ho,estradiol was staring to feel like a distant memory. Aug 4 I was having a good day and hubby had to go to Lowes.ci went with and they didn't have what he needed. He came back to the car and said they had what he needed at TSC. I perked up. Babies. I could look at the babies. While he shopped I stood at the bins. I was talking to the head manager, asking questions.
If you were to see me, you automatically see there's stuff going on. I have severe facial tick, and I make random noises. And I walk with a limp most days..I told him how I'd just have to get my fix watching theirs for now. He had stepped away and my husband walked up a little later and asked if I thought I could take care of a couple to start. I was so excited. Don the manager came back and let me go in and hand pick my new babies.they're weren't many but I wish I could've taken them all. My husband had already got the coop while I was looking. I got 6 chick's and 2 ducks, we did lose 1 duck so the next day, Iwe went back. I got 4 more chick's and 3 more ducks. I had my flock of feather babies. I now had 23 babies who needed me. I couldn't let them down.
Over the past few months, things have been fun, scary, hellish, but there has always been a soul to confide in.
I had lost the will to fight for me, but not them.
We decided yes, we are homesteading but, even if used for food, or doesn't work out or is a pet, they need to feel love. The people at the TSC I went that day, have been phenomenal. They check on me when I'm there all that good stuff.
I am still undergoing tests. I have MS. It progressed at a rapid rate. When I got covid, my body stopped fighting the hidden issues and when it was over, my body didn't have enough strength to fight anymore. I can't make red blood cells on my own and I've developed spasticity a d my neurological functions are destroyed.
The babies here, don't see the disabilities or the imperfections. They are just happy to see me. I sit and talk to them all everyday. The dogs, spiders, lizards, snakes, scorpion, and chickens. They get a greeting every morning and a lullaby every night. I know the risks and I know they will
Thanks for reading...im gonna be gone one day but that's OK.
I don't raise them as a commercial business. I raise them because my heart tells me they need me to.
I got 8 more chick's yesterday and I'm getting roosters. If I had my way, I'd have a 100 acre farm and a 1000 acre zoo.
Today I'm OK. I don't know about tomorrow. But I do know that there will be a stupidly big Belgian malinois by my bed in case I fall,
. His beast of a sister jumping in front leading the way. A chihuahua telling me its time to eat. A couple reptiles and arachnids to judge me for not waking up earlier. And 10 ladies who have the most amazing personalities and mind boggling quirks that think the sun shine out of my butt. 3 ducks who can't wait to swim and 8 babies that are just trying to figure this whole life thing out.
That in itself gives me a reason to keep going, to have hope, and to know that someone is going through the same thing I am and has it worse than me.
My animals saved my life.
Yes, they need me, but God I need them so much more.
I didn't write this wanting anyone to feel bad for me, I'm OK. I wanted to shine a light on how things
Can change in an instant. If you feel something isn't right in your body, don't stop trying to make them look. You are worth it.
Thank you to everyone I've learned something from. The ones who teach, not belittle. You are also the ones who give others the tools, knowledge and confidence to make their own happy place.
Thank you for reading. I'm going to go back to being a lurker now.
Oh gosh, I can't imagine what you've gone through. :hugs For myself, I don't have a lot of drive when it comes to physical survival, if I were in your position, I think I would have perished. But you are still here!! And that says a LOT!!! Stay strong my dear, you are worth it!! :hugs 💗
Hello. This may be a long read, and it may have a lot of mistakes. Please be kind. You'll understand in just a bit.
From the day my husband and I got together, we said we were going to have a fewcacres and a homestead. I love all things country domibwas in. We lived in a big army town for 15 years. If I looked out any windows on the sides of our house, you saw into the neighbors house..I became culinary manager of Okive Garden in 2021. After a few months they transferred me north of where we were. We decided to relocate to halfway between my job and hubby's job.. That put us in gear to get our homestead. Dec 2021, we got our dream.
3 weeks later, I caught vivid. It was bad. There were days I still don't remember and I didn't think I was going to make it. By day10 after being forced back to work after 4 days off, I didn't want to make it. I was done.
I didn't realize then, those 10 days were easy compared to what was coming. I started having horrible headaches, pain so deep in my ears, I thought I was crazy. Panic attacks sometimes 3 times a day. Brain fog was driving me crazy. I went to the Dr every week sometimes 2 or 3 times. They kept saying long covid.. I was in the er so much that the er doc recommended to my primary care to check my brain. I the 3 weeks from the last revisit until the 1st MRI, I developed asthma, tourettes, palsy, and seizures. My MRI showed misfires in my brain. In 2 spots. Brain lesions, brain cysts and a mass near my madulla oblongata. Then the muscle pain and stiffness. I felt heavy and like I was stuck.
In just under 4 months I went from running around a busy restaurant kitchen 60 hrs a week to not being able to walk without a cane or assistance. April 28th I left the restaurant business for good.
the following months I almost died a couple times and still had no answers. Our ho,estradiol was staring to feel like a distant memory. Aug 4 I was having a good day and hubby had to go to Lowes.ci went with and they didn't have what he needed. He came back to the car and said they had what he needed at TSC. I perked up. Babies. I could look at the babies. While he shopped I stood at the bins. I was talking to the head manager, asking questions.
If you were to see me, you automatically see there's stuff going on. I have severe facial tick, and I make random noises. And I walk with a limp most days..I told him how I'd just have to get my fix watching theirs for now. He had stepped away and my husband walked up a little later and asked if I thought I could take care of a couple to start. I was so excited. Don the manager came back and let me go in and hand pick my new babies.they're weren't many but I wish I could've taken them all. My husband had already got the coop while I was looking. I got 6 chick's and 2 ducks, we did lose 1 duck so the next day, Iwe went back. I got 4 more chick's and 3 more ducks. I had my flock of feather babies. I now had 23 babies who needed me. I couldn't let them down.
Over the past few months, things have been fun, scary, hellish, but there has always been a soul to confide in.
I had lost the will to fight for me, but not them.
We decided yes, we are homesteading but, even if used for food, or doesn't work out or is a pet, they need to feel love. The people at the TSC I went that day, have been phenomenal. They check on me when I'm there all that good stuff.
I am still undergoing tests. I have MS. It progressed at a rapid rate. When I got covid, my body stopped fighting the hidden issues and when it was over, my body didn't have enough strength to fight anymore. I can't make red blood cells on my own and I've developed spasticity a d my neurological functions are destroyed.
The babies here, don't see the disabilities or the imperfections. They are just happy to see me. I sit and talk to them all everyday. The dogs, spiders, lizards, snakes, scorpion, and chickens. They get a greeting every morning and a lullaby every night. I know the risks and I know they will
Thanks for reading...im gonna be gone one day but that's OK.
I don't raise them as a commercial business. I raise them because my heart tells me they need me to.
I got 8 more chick's yesterday and I'm getting roosters. If I had my way, I'd have a 100 acre farm and a 1000 acre zoo.
Today I'm OK. I don't know about tomorrow. But I do know that there will be a stupidly big Belgian malinois by my bed in case I fall,
. His beast of a sister jumping in front leading the way. A chihuahua telling me its time to eat. A couple reptiles and arachnids to judge me for not waking up earlier. And 10 ladies who have the most amazing personalities and mind boggling quirks that think the sun shine out of my butt. 3 ducks who can't wait to swim and 8 babies that are just trying to figure this whole life thing out.
That in itself gives me a reason to keep going, to have hope, and to know that someone is going through the same thing I am and has it worse than me.
My animals saved my life.
Yes, they need me, but God I need them so much more.
I didn't write this wanting anyone to feel bad for me, I'm OK. I wanted to shine a light on how things
Can change in an instant. If you feel something isn't right in your body, don't stop trying to make them look. You are worth it.
Thank you to everyone I've learned something from. The ones who teach, not belittle. You are also the ones who give others the tools, knowledge and confidence to make their own happy place.
Thank you for reading. I'm going to go back to being a lurker now.
Thank you for your story. It really blessed me.

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