I need help diagnosing this issue "watery dropping"..

chicken tender lady

In the Brooder
Oct 5, 2023
Hi, I need help diagnosing this issue of watery droppings. One of my barred rock chickens has had watery or sometimes explosive diarrhea! I will post pics so you can see what it looks like. Sorry in advance it's kinda gross! 🤢 She has had this issue for several months now! I tried deworming her but it didn't seem to work. She's eating and drinking normally and doesn't seem to have any other issues. She's also still laying consistently.
Then I noticed another one of my chickens is starting to have the same issue. Also a few of them have pasty butt. Which I plan on taking care of in the next couple of days.

Does anyone have any idea what I might be dealing with here? Or how I can diagnose this? I've tried to do research to find out what it is but to no avail! If someone could give me some guidance on what to do
or what products to use that would help? I would really appreciate it! TIA! 😘🐔🥚
Poop in the second photo looks normal to me.

What did you deworm with?

As the temps increase, water intake increases, it's not unusual to see watery poops.

Some hens drink more than others, so the poop may be more watery.

Some hens have a lot of fluff and poop sticks to the fluff, the solution is to give the hen's bum a quick wash up as needed or you can trim back the fluff a little.

She's eating/drinking, laying consistently....sounds like she's doing o.k. to me.

Hi, I need help diagnosing this issue of watery droppings. One of my barred rock chickens has had watery or sometimes explosive diarrhea! I will post pics so you can see what it looks like. Sorry in advance it's kinda gross! 🤢 She has had this issue for several months now! I tried deworming her but it didn't seem to work. She's eating and drinking normally and doesn't seem to have any other issues. She's also still laying consistently.
Then I noticed another one of my chickens is starting to have the same issue. Also a few of them have pasty butt. Which I plan on taking care of in the next couple of days.

Does anyone have any idea what I might be dealing with here? Or how I can diagnose this? I've tried to do research to find out what it is but to no avail! If someone could give me some guidance on what to do View attachment 3815324or what products to use that would help? I would really appreciate it! TIA! 😘🐔🥚View attachment 3815325
Thanks Wyrop Rock good to know! Sorry for my delayed response I've been busy and haven't been on here lately! I only dewormed her once with wormal. It was like a green pill. I bought it at the feed store. But I only gave her one pill and it didn't seem like it really worked? I know I may need to do more than that to do a proper deworm. I've actually never dewormed my flock since I've had them because I'm new to being a chicken owner. What do you recommend? What product? And for how long? I also just bought some new hens that are 10 months old they are laying and seem to be doing okay so far! I don't know if the new girls have been dewormed but is it recommended to deworm them as well? I would appreciate any advice you may have. Thank you.
Getting a fecal float is the best way to know if they need deworming or not.
It may be that worms are not her problem. Some hens just have watery poop.

Most folks with backyard poultry use Fenbendazole (Safeguard Liquid Goat dewormer or Equine Paste) or Albendazole (Valbazen).

To treat most worms that poultry can have except for Tapeworm - Safeguard dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.
Valbazen dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days.
Okay thank you for the info. I will keep that in mind. How do you do a fecal float test? Also the hen with watery droppings I noticed when I first got her she didn't have watery droppings. Only in the last 6 months or so. So that's why I was a little concerned about it. But it sounds like by what your saying that it might be normal for certain hens to have watery droppings.
Okay thank you. I may not be able to do that because we don't have an avian vet where I live. We live in a rural area and no vets in my area will see chickens. Also avian vets can be quite expensive. But thank you for the friendly advice and for your time! 😊🐔🥚

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