How to train baby chicks?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2014
PLEASE ANSWER.......I love to hear LOTS of opinions.
I have a 11 day old chick that hates being grabbed....she shrieks and struggles when I grab her. What can I do? She will fall asleep on my lap if she's there long enough.......I think she's the boss pullet....she's the only one that stands up to the male chicks.
I just want my chicks to LOVE me and follow me around.
All of my chick when I take them outside come when I call "Here chickchickchick".
MOST of the time they all come.....OH and when they get scared they will run under me.
ALSO I was wondering how to teach a chick it's name?
Are you speaking to her before u grab her? Sometimes it can just b the fright of not knowing whats aboit to happen. Try tempting her closer with treats then picking her up or giving a treat as soon as u pick her up. It may take a while but she will soon get used to being picked up. For learning their names u need to juat keep saying it when handeling them again takes a while but worth the wait. Hope this is morr helpful.
Are you speaking to her before u grab her? Sometimes it can just b the fright of not knowing whats aboit to happen. Try tempting her closer with treats then picking her up or giving a treat as soon as u pick her up. It may take a while but she will soon get used to being picked up. For learning their names u need to juat keep saying it when handeling them again takes a while but worth the wait. Hope this is morr helpful.
Thank you! She also runs away when I'm trying to pick her up. Anything that could help with that?
Treats will keep her attention on you. As they are still really younge they need to build their confidence with you. As they get older and learn that you bring food they will be more happy to be handled. Also when they are laying they squat when u go to pick them up which makes it so much easier to grab!
Treats will keep her attention on you. As they are still really younge they need to build their confidence with you. As they get older and learn that you bring food they will be more happy to be handled. Also when they are laying they squat when u go to pick them up which makes it so much easier to grab!
I can't find any treats that they like! I've tried worms, egg, other bugs and chick starter.
I NEED help! The extra males that the hatchery sent us are friendlier and when I stick my hand in the brooder they will jump up on it.
I'm going to have to get rid of the extra males when their older! And the chicks that I'm going to keep aren't very tame at all!

What am I doing wrong! PLEASE HELP ME!
My girls favourites are raisins, grapes and raspberries. They do anything for those! Pear and banana are close behind. They can eat anything apart from cheese, chocolate, salty peanuts or oranges/kiwi other citrusy fruits. So not much they cant have really so just keep trying different things til u find their faves :) somethimes they need to try it a couple times as they cab be wary for the first time trying something
Bread is another fave but dont give them too much. Mine aren't a fan of lettuce either. Cus they are still younge if u give them grapes u may need to break them up a bit unless they have learnt how to shake food until it breaks themselves :) good luck

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