How to block off nesting boxes


Apr 19, 2024
Hey guys! I just joined and am a new chicken mom! I have a large Overez chicken coop. I am wanting to block off the nesting boxes in the beginning so they don’t learn to sleep in them. I am also going to block the nesting boxes off every night once they are old enough to start laying. I was wondering if any of yall had some ideas to block the nesting boxes off. I want something that is efficient since I will be blocking them off every night. I was thinking like either blinds or wood. I don’t want to use random things around the house. I want to be able to open and close the thing used to block the nesting boxes off. Here is a picture of the nesting boxes


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No reason to block, unblock, block, unblock... if you're going to block just cover it until 14-16ish weeks.

I also use a piece of cardboard, and bricks to hold it in place. I stash the cardboard behind the nests for storage, and bricks stack on the side. Very rarely need to block it off but it's nice having it handy if I do.

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