How much starter feed will they eat?


Mar 4, 2017
San De Cristo Range - Colorado Rockies
I have ten Barred Rocks chicks coming sometime this week. Approximately, how much starter feed will they eat from 0 to 18/20 weeks? Basically, should I buy starter feed by the 50 lb bag? Medicated or unmedicated? Don't worry, I already have some on hand.
Buy the medicated 50# bag and when it runs out than you can make your next choice. Don't worry that you will have too much and will have to get rid of it somehow. You can feed starter feed to them for the rest of their life. There are some drawbacks to it. If your chickens are laying than starter feed is insufficient in calcium. Layer feed is ideally formulated for laying hens, but is not ideal for non layers and roosters. (4% calcium is too much for the latter). Alflock is an all around good feed that is at about 2% calcium. Your layers need some supplemental calcium, so offer them Cracked oyster shells free choice. That also provides grit as well. I personally use Alflock for that reason. I have mixed layers and non layers with some Senior Citizen Hens as well. I also like the pellets rather than the crumbles. (for adult birds) Less waste.
I would also buy it one bag at a time. Feed has a 6 week life from mill date before the feed starts to go rancid and the important nutrients start to degrade. Your choice on medicated or unmedicated feed.
I would also buy it one bag at a time.  Feed has a 6 week life from mill date before the feed starts to go rancid and the important nutrients start to degrade.  Your choice on medicated or unmedicated feed.  

Ditto. I took the question to be whether to get the 25 or 50# bag because the poster hasn't seen the way growing peeps eat yet.
I started with 25# non medicated for 6 chicks. They waste quite a bit as they get bigger! Good luck! Barred rocks are great!

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