How I secretly raise chickens with HOA restrictions


May 23, 2022
It’s pretty simple. I’m allowed ONE chicken per HOA rules. I think that’s cruel as chickens are very social critters who need other chickens for interaction. Simply put, it is easier for me to ask forgiveness than permission.

With the cost of eggs going up and the mega farms egg production going down (avian flu is back) people should absolutely be encouraged to keep a few chickens around in my humblest of opines. Alright, here’s what I do:

First I went with 4 Rhode Island Reds (Heritage breed. They’re fairly quiet and good producers. I’ll add a couple more to the flock every year for meat and eggs.

I situated the coop on the side of my house that’s doesn’t have neighbors. There is nothing but a sidewalk on the other side of the fence that is not well travelled and the coop is currently closer to the house than the sidewalk.

I got a small coop from tractor supply I love and ordered the large fenced in chicken run off amazon. A few dowel rods, feeders and toys. Put it all together and my chickens are quite content.

That’s pretty much it. Oh and I don’t talk about it with anyone but my wife and kids. I don’t tell neighbors and I don’t post on Facebook about it. Instead I hop on BYC to let it all out so I don’t internally combust with excitement.

There ya go. Chicken farming in suburbia on the downlow. If I get popped and have to get rid of my fluffy butt club….I will probably move!

Have fun kids


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I am (according to Dad; we live in the willy wacks so there are no restrictions legally) allowed 1 to 2 roosters. I do not have 1 to 2 roosters. I have 4 - 5 ish roosters. I can get away that while they are still chicks. will need a plan for when they are in their bachlor pad and crow. Because 5 roosters with very distinct voices all having a crowing contest is VERY noticable.
so yes, in some ways, I do break the chicken laws. next up is the NNs.
Haha I love y’all’s ways lol! I have 2 Roos they don’t crow yet… I had to get rid of 4 the city showed up at my house 4 times in a row I think… I had to get rid of my favorite Joey because his crow was obnoxious, he was so sweet and u cried but I gave him to my friend so I can see him whenever I want
So weird that someone in the past indicated one chicken was ok. They are flock animals, and I agree with you that that is cruel.

At least you know that you might have to get rid of them if caught. But, personally, if that happened to me, I’d look to adjust the rule to six chickens bc they are flock animals (and already allowed in the HOA). Plus, most states have Agricultural rules dictating that x number of chicks are sold at one time (and x is never 1). In Ohio, where I am at, I have to buy 6. Therefore, the minimum should be whatever the Ag law requires for chick purchase.

Good luck, and enjoy your eggs and chickens.
In Texas we buy 4 at a time. LlOVE tractor supply. Got super lucky on our first buy, no roosters. Just 4 great hens. We’ll be adding more hens every year. At least a couple so when they age out we get some organic chicken meat out of this deal. But yeah, no roosters for us. Gotta keep quiet. A guy down the road from us with the same HOA bought baby chicks and they’ve been blasting it all over Facebook. “Looky what we’re doing” kind of deal. I just keep my mouth shut! I want to live here but I gotta have my chickens too. It’s simple but complicated 🤗

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