How do you remove coconut oil from a gosling?


May 16, 2024

We had one gosling with shrink-wrap and malposition that we had to help hatch 2 days ago. We weren't sure that it would make it as it was wrapped quite tight in places.

We managed to remove the membrane with coconut oil and warm water, however, this had made her feathers appear clumpy and wet looking in places, especially on her neck.

She is now well enough to go back in with our 2 other goslings, (3 & 2 days older) but they appear to be pecking at her feathers and skin where they can see it.

I've tried carefully rubbing over with water & drying her off, but it doesn't seem to be helping?

Does anyone have any ideas how to get this off safely and efficiently please?

Also, what's the best way to dry a wet gosling? 

Thank you.
A touch of dish soap like Dawn mixed with your water and lathered over the feathers before being rinsed off really well would help remove the coconut oil. Blotting it dry with a towel in gentle squeeze/pat motions so that the feathers don't get bent is probably the best way to dry it, similar to a chicken I would imagine.
But she might also keep getting pecked at for being a little younger/weaker.
Hopefully an expert can confirm/deny on that.
A touch of dish soap like Dawn mixed with your water and lathered over the feathers before being rinsed off really well would help remove the coconut oil. Blotting it dry with a towel in gentle squeeze/pat motions so that the feathers don't get bent is probably the best way to dry it, similar to a chicken I would imagine.
But she might also keep getting pecked at for being a little younger/weaker.
Hopefully an expert can confirm/deny on that.
I'll just add be sure to use nice warm water.
And I will refer to @New duck mommy 2021 who has probably had this since she hatches a lot.
I would mix dish soap in with warm water
Use a cloth or cotton ball dunked in the mixture to wipe her down
I wouldn’t dunk her in the water as the first few days they shouldn’t get really wet
Could just do sections and then let her dry
Paper towel will help to absorb the wet area abd back under heat asap

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