How do you catch a sick duck in a pond - she can't get out

So sorry to hear that! What a tragic thing to wake up to! The poor girl, she must be so traumatized...

Predators are becoming much bolder with the weird weather we've been having.

If you can, set up some live traps to see if you can catch them, then relocate them far far away.
Thanks everyone. I'm in UK so it's not snapping turtles... however I now think it may be mink. I've lost two more birds (thought this morning they had all been taken but one is left, although she seems to have lost her voice). I think I'll have to keep her fenced, which feels tragic. She is very shaken and almost soundless, though she opens her bill. She shakes when I come near her. I'm devastated - I've kept ducks free-range safely for 10 years, losing very few, and have lost 7 this year, 5 to predators, one to illness and one who broke her leg.

Reason I think Mink is that the last two carcases, half eaten, were found at the edge of the island in the middle of our pond, 7 yards from the closest land. We lost all our carp a few years ago, I think to mink, and the heads were found on the island...
thats so sad, I'm sorry.
Do you bring them in at night to keep them secure from predators? Or is this happening in the day time?
I try to get them in at night. They used to happily follow me to their coop, troop in to eat and then I'd shut it. But since they've been attacked by predators and spooked, they are very wary and as soon as I try to shut them in they make a dash for it. I've struggled to get them all to bed. Which is heart-breaking. Tonight I'm determined and I may use a landing net but then she'll be even more worried tomorrow. Right now an planning on a 'funnel' in chicken wire to make it harder for her to run past me but she may be too wary to enter it.
It's always sad when we have a nice pond and can't let our ducks onto it because of the predators. But mine have never had a pond and don't mind one bit having kiddy pools for bathing. As long as they have water they are happy campers. Maybe look on craigslist or here on your state thread for some friends for the one left. They do so much better if they have friends.
Mine are kept in a very large covered pen and allowed out daily to eat the small amount of grass in my dog area that is left. They are never out alone as we have coons and hawks. I am so sorry for your loss. Mine also have never had a pond but have three large containers to bathe in and they are perfectly happy. Being safe for that many years was very fortunate for them. I hope you can keep your ducks safe now and that it all works out for you.
thanks everyone. I managed to coax her into a 'funnel' of chicken wire fencing yesterday (an hour spent tossing her peas :). Then I cornered her and 'encouraged' her into her coop. Once she was locked in I completed the fencing as a circle so she has a fairly large space to roam, but no access to the water - she just gets to see it. She never moved around much (unlike my Cayuga), so it doesn't feel a terrible thing to do to her. This morning she was quite perky and assumed I would let her out onto the pond. Sadly, no, Just because we can't get her in reliably. The fencing is just to keep her in, it won't keep predators out, but we've only ever lost them at night.

Can anyone recommend a cheap pond solution for her to bathe in? How large does it need to be? If we can keep her safe for a few months I'll consider getting her a friend but first we have to make this work for her. So sad to lose my ducks :-(
thanks everyone. I managed to coax her into a 'funnel' of chicken wire fencing yesterday (an hour spent tossing her peas :). Then I cornered her and 'encouraged' her into her coop. Once she was locked in I completed the fencing as a circle so she has a fairly large space to roam, but no access to the water - she just gets to see it. She never moved around much (unlike my Cayuga), so it doesn't feel a terrible thing to do to her. This morning she was quite perky and assumed I would let her out onto the pond. Sadly, no, Just because we can't get her in reliably. The fencing is just to keep her in, it won't keep predators out, but we've only ever lost them at night.

Can anyone recommend a cheap pond solution for her to bathe in? How large does it need to be? If we can keep her safe for a few months I'll consider getting her a friend but first we have to make this work for her. So sad to lose my ducks :-(
Any sized pond will be fine for now, smaller ones are easier to wash out and refill. Kiddie pools/plastic solid paddling pools work. Or even a small plastic sandpit converted into a little pool. Or a deep large plastic tray of some kind. Just something for her to splash in a bit. If you want to dig out a small pond n put a pond liner down, that works great, but theyre very hard to clean and would require filtration.

I reccomend, as a more permanent option, a large covered dog kennel/poultry aviary. They work really well, but can cost a bit. You could make your own though. Mine is a nice big size, with fine mesh all the way around, and over the top, and it has a mesh skirt going around the ground to prevent predators digging under. I'd hate for you to lose anymore to predators!

A friend asap would really help her, she must feel so alone now. I wonder if perhaps a mirror could be an option so that she doesnt feel so alone. This is something we commonly do with lone ducklings. Best of luck with her! And Im really sorry for your losses.
Any sized pond will be fine for now, smaller ones are easier to wash out and refill. Kiddie pools/plastic solid paddling pools work. Or even a small plastic sandpit converted into a little pool. Or a deep large plastic tray of some kind. Just something for her to splash in a bit. If you want to dig out a small pond n put a pond liner down, that works great, but theyre very hard to clean and would require filtration.

I reccomend, as a more permanent option, a large covered dog kennel/poultry aviary. They work really well, but can cost a bit. You could make your own though. Mine is a nice big size, with fine mesh all the way around, and over the top, and it has a mesh skirt going around the ground to prevent predators digging under. I'd hate for you to lose anymore to predators!

A friend asap would really help her, she must feel so alone now. I wonder if perhaps a mirror could be an option so that she doesnt feel so alone. This is something we commonly do with lone ducklings. Best of luck with her! And Im really sorry for your losses.
That's really helpful, thank you. I'm looking at paddling pools right now. She has a large black plastic tray with water already, I always had that for them to drink from and the Cayugas especially liked to wash in it, making a heck of a mess. The mirror idea is fascinating, I may try that. She's clearly still in shock but she is now approaching me although still mistrustful. It makes me feel like an ogre :-(

It has really helped to share with people here, thank you.
I got two more ducks to keep our previous survivor company, I am reluctant to do that again if we cannot protect her.
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