How do I find a good home for my sebastopol geese/


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 5, 2013
I recently purchased a flock (7) of Sebastopol geese from a friend that was having to move. We love the geese and thought they would be well suited to our home (we have a large pond and plenty of room) Unfortunately our pond is closer to the road than their previous home, and they seem determined to explore the road! There is just too much area to be able to fence in and we have to find a safer home for them. I live in WNC and am trying to find someone experienced with caring for geese so they would have a good home Any advice on how to do this?
I recently purchased a flock (7) of Sebastopol geese from a friend that was having to move. We love the geese and thought they would be well suited to our home (we have a large pond and plenty of room) Unfortunately our pond is closer to the road than their previous home, and they seem determined to explore the road! There is just too much area to be able to fence in and we have to find a safer home for them. I live in WNC and am trying to find someone experienced with caring for geese so they would have a good home Any advice on how to do this?
I just sent a PM to another member about your geese since we're in WNC also, but you could also post here...
How old are the geese and what sex?
there are two males and five females, I am not sure of the age but can find out. I do know the oldest female laid about 40 eggs last year
Thank you for your response, I have been really worried about what to do!
Also, thank you for the link for posting, but I am not eligible because I haven't placed enough posts to qualify
Also, thank you for the link for posting, but I am not eligible because I haven't placed enough posts to qualify
Well hopefully someone will come to the goose thread looking for some Sebbies. Very sorry you can't keep them, We just spent a big hunk having fence put up. So I know how expensive fencing can be. But mine are very happy with kiddy pools and fencing a smaller area might not be too bad if your really want to keep them. I did give this member your link about them so maybe she'll know of someone.
There's a lot of Sebbie lovers here.
Good idea! now let's see if I can figure out how to do that----

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