Hot weather and a broody hen.

Artichoke Lover

Free Ranging
Jul 27, 2020
Southeast US
So this is my first broody hatch. Normally I don’t like to hatch this time of year because of the hot weather but my broody has other ideas. It’s Day 20 and the temp in the coop has spiked to 92 and she looks overheated. What can I do to help her cool off without risking running her off the nest or hurting the eggs?
Can you encourage her to come out and give her something cool to drink or eat?
The Hatch is tomorrow morning. No way to get her off until the babies hatch. She does have a container of water she can reach clipped to the side of the nest and I’ve seen her drink from that a few times.
Mine have been alright in the heat, I did worry a lot. This was 30-32 C and up to 85% humidity. It was pretty brutal. I put up cardboard to provide more and deeper shade and lifted up the plastic kennels they brood in off the ground with bricks in a probably futile attempt to provide more ventilation. They looked mighty uncomfortable but they were fine.

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