Hen with broken leg at the knee joint

My hen broke her leg close to the joint, but not at the joint. You can splint it if you want.
Separate her with food and water for a few months. As long as the hen has the will to live, she will live.
The leg will never mend right, it will always be a bit crooked no matter what you do. Try giving her calcium. I grind up egg shells and mix them in with the food.
Also, keep her away from roos. Mating will cause further damage to the leg.

So sorry that happened!
If her leg is dead like you said in the post, I don't think splinting will do anything. IF the leg is dead, then amputating would be the best bet, since it would just shrivel and stay there anyways. But I don't think a chicken can get around with one leg. I had a duck with dead tissue on the wing.. the vet said to pack a whole bunch of sugar on it, which we did, and it completely healed in two days. I don't know how you could get sugar on her leg and make it stay, or if it would do anything in this case, but its worth a try, IMO. Best wishes for you and your chicken.

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