Hen hasn't been eating

Ocean Flare

Jan 29, 2021
Florida, United States
One of my quails hasn't been eating for a few days, and now I realize she's a lot more passive than usual. I thought it was a temperature change because it got cooler for a few days and that's happened before, but it was so minor.

She goes in the food bowl because it's habit and even gets excited when I sprinkle for food but she doesn't eat. She just drinks water and slowly paces around.

She's usually super alert and darts away when I come around but she hasn't been doing that. She also seems weak, obviously from lack of food, and even tripped at one point.

She's almost 2 years old.
What are you feeding her? Have you tried offering her different food? Is she fluffing her feathers? Do you have pictures?

She may have gotten sick from the normal food and is scared to eat it. I would try offering some different things to see if she is avoiding all food or something specific. My quail like pumpkin seeds, amaranth, chia (soak in water first), pecans, pumpkin, boiled egg yolk, etc.

Hope she feels better soon!
What are you feeding her?
What does her poop look like?
Has she been laying?
What is her setup like?
Have you felt her keel to see if she's too thin?
Are any of your other birds showing any symptoms?

To start, separate her from the others in case it's disease. Keep her warm, and see if she'll eat boiled, crushed, egg. Some Nutri-Drench might help as well to giver an energy boost.
She has about 2 square feet for herself, but I separated her right now.
She eats manna pro game/snowbird starter grower
She hasn't been laying.
She's extremely thin.
She's the only one like this.

I'll try giving her boiled egg and I'll try seeing if she'll eat anything else.
She has about 2 square feet for herself, but I separated her right now.
She eats manna pro game/snowbird starter grower
She hasn't been laying.
She's extremely thin.
She's the only one like this.

I'll try giving her boiled egg and I'll try seeing if she'll eat anything else.
What does her feces look like? Is she 'fluffed up' looking? Do you feed anything other than MannaPro?
It's yellow-white and watery.
She's a little fluffed up.
Not in terms of feed, only treats like lettuce sometimes.
Sounds like it might possibly be UE or Ulcerative Enteritus. You need to administer Duramycin, Tetracycline, or Oxytetracycline immediately. You can get Duramycin from a feed store or TSC. The other 2 are by script from a vet.

Coturnix quail are not as prone to this infection as Bobwhites but it is beening seen more now in Coternix than in the past.
It can kill pretty quickly, so time is of the essence when treating.
The duramycin, do you know if there are different kinds, or is it the one labeled for cattle?

As I was looking for some place to buy some, different websites keep mentioning different antibiotics like lincomycin and Penicillin-streptomycin?
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