Help with chicken health.

One hot chick 3927

In the Brooder
Oct 3, 2017
My one chicken Shyanna has been going through some health problems, she has a small pale comb, loss of appetite, a significant loss of feathers, and she's kind of the runt.
I tried to see if it was an external parasite and I gave her a wood ash bath but it didn't do much. She has a very weird looking patch of skin near her oil glad along with some dirty vent feathers (I'll have some pictures tomorrow morning of it). It's been a little bit cooler lately so I don't think she's molting and I really want to get her healthy befor winter comes.
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

Definitely post in our emergency section. Could be worms, birds molt this time of year and they do go pale, lack appetite, tired, etc... Describe all you can, pics help too.

Welcome to our roost! :)

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