Help. Our duck is breathing weird

We looked down her throat and didn’t see anything. And we felt her throat and didn’t feel anything. She won’t even drink water.
The last time we took one to the vet she told us the only thing she will ever do for a vet is put them down. She won’t do anything for them.
You could try a little coconut oil and see if it helps if it’s something lodged just take a small Chunk and put it in her mouth don’t force it down it will dissolve on its own but may lube up her throat enough to get whatever it is broke free if it could be that. Just hold her bill closed for a few minutes and wrap her in a towel if she fights when held. Other than that can you hear her breathing does she sound congested? She is struggling to breathe I can't hear congestion but you may be able to listen to her chest and when she opens her mouth to breathe. I don't know what to tell you. Did you notice anything out of the ordinary before this? Anything inside the coop she could have eaten that she shouldn't have string etc?
You could try a little coconut oil and see if it helps if it’s something lodged just take a small Chunk and put it in her mouth don’t force it down it will dissolve on its own but may lube up her throat enough to get whatever it is broke free if it could be that. Just hold her bill closed for a few minutes and wrap her in a towel if she fights when held. Other than that can you hear her breathing does she sound congested? She is struggling to breathe I can't hear congestion but you may be able to listen to her chest and when she opens her mouth to breathe. I don't know what to tell you. Did you notice anything out of the ordinary before this? Anything inside the coop she could have eaten that she shouldn't have string etc?
Thank you for all your advice and your time honestly. I massaged her throat a bit and saw someone said on another post to move your finger down the throat starting from the top and it seeemed to help a bit. She started drinking some water and foraging with the other ducks again. We brought her to the moat where she forages and there was water in it. So she seems to be doing a bit better. I ordered the baytril to give to her. Did faster shipping and it already shipped so we will give that to her for 5 days when it gets here if needed. We are keeping an eye on her. I’m at work now but we have a camera on the run area

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