Help me determine what I have...


12 Years
Jun 23, 2007
I have a few questions:

I have a black sebright, but can find NO information on it. It's a hen. I got my trio (silver and gold) and the black together from a local feed store around easter. They stay together all the time. Isn't it a black sebright? You can see the lacing in the feathers-even though they are black.
Also, I need help sexing my white silkies. One has a CLEARLY visible black comb-plus he crows (or is trying) all the time. The other one has a mulberry colored "comb" and does not even try, but I know that means nothing as they are still young. (About 10 weeks old).

Lastly, my rooster named Abby-I thought he was an Astrolorp (spelling?) but he has brown on his neck. He's pretty big, and VERY sweet. Crows MAYBE once a week. I got him around Easter time.





I should have included another chicken in the photos, these three are really small. So Hotwings, you think they are all EG?

Thanks for the help thus far :eek:)
One is a Golden Sebrite, One a Silver Sebrite (a roo...they have rose combs), the other white one a Silkie. I am brand new to the group. If I can figure out how to post a pic I will add a pic of my Golden.
The Silkies are definitely roos.

The trio, a Silver Sebright(a roo), a Golden Sebright(a hen), the comb on the silver looks too large for a OEGB. The black one my guess would be either a Black OEGB or Japanese Bantam. I've had Japanese bantams in the past with long legs, as it's very hard to breed them with short legs.
Does she have a rose comb or a single comb?? Rose comb=OEGB. Single comb = Jap bantam.


One of my longer legged Jap girls for reference.

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