help determine runners gender voice?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
I need help. I have 6 week old Runners I bought them from breeder as straight run. I can only keep 2 so I need to pick my 2 out. I have never determined sex by voice (new to ducks) anyway I think I have only one drake but that goes against the 50/50 rule. I videoed them so will a experienced duck person give a listen and help me out please?
1171 boy?
1172 girl?
1173 girl?
1174 girl?
1175 girl
1176 girl?
1170 boy?

1175 is the one that sounds most like my Runner girls at that age. The rest, I cannot say with certainty - that's why I put the question marks on them. In another week or so, the difference may be more pronounced.
1171 boy?
1172 girl?
1173 girl?
1174 girl?
1175 girl
1176 girl?
1170 boy?

1175 is the one that sounds most like my Runner girls at that age. The rest, I cannot say with certainty - that's why I put the question marks on them. In another week or so, the difference may be more pronounced.

I am disappointed I was really hoping they could be sexed. I need to thin the flock to 2 now
1 - seagull - still squeaky, so maybe boy?
2 - could be raspy, but seems loud
3 - girl
4 - also slightly raspy, but loud
5 - girl and the loudmouths in the background are also girls
6 - seems somewhat raspy, but again, quacky and loud
7 - boy (I think I've seen many times that boys get their voice later and that baby is still squeaking)

I think 1- you might have 4 or 5 girls and a boy (and a spare video?)
The ones that have a bit of rasp seem way too quacky and loud to be a boy rasp.

I had one boy. For 3 months :( And he was a buff, not a runner.
My girl runners are loudmouths when they have something to share. Those first 6 are loudmouths.
And boy raspy is really raspy

By sound, I'm most confident in saying #3 is a girl (helpeful if I give the number, huh lol)
And then I'd go with the sweetest one as my second.
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Just found this.
First one is a boy and that's all Dill sounded like once he lost his squeak

you don't have anybody in those first 6 videos that sound that way at all to me.
1171 boy?
1172 girl?
1173 girl?
1174 girl?
1175 girl
1176 girl?
1170 boy?

1175 is the one that sounds most like my Runner girls at that age.
Thank you so much for your time. 1171 & 1170 are the same duckling. That is the one I thought was a drake today when I made the video. but until today I was afraid I only had one female 1176 she has a big honking voice. Then today I did the video and I thought there was actually 5 females and one drake and 1176 was just loud. She has been honking for over a 10 days now so I read that usually runners could be voice sexed at 4 weeks. Mine are 6 weeks now. I thought I had waited long enough
I would say the 1701 is a boy and possibly 1702. You should be able to tell in a couple more weeks. 1703, 1704, 1705 and 1706 are girls. For me my girls were quacking between 3-6 weeks and my boys didn't get raspy till 9-10 weeks. So you got a few more weeks.
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