Help Create a Duck Breed Chart - spreadsheet gurus please stop in :D


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
Anny was wondering if there is a good spread sheet around listing how many eggs laid per year by different breeds of ducks. I have found some information, but not a comprehensive list. I started a google spread sheet and wanted to see if anyone would like to contribute.

Category suggestions welcomed. If you would like to contribute to the project, let me know so I can grant you editing access. If you don't want to edit it yourself, post info you think is important for any particular breed and post it in this thread.

ALSO, anyone out there who is a google spread sheet master and knows how to insert photos in the column...PLEASE let me know how to do this.
Please do! Call duck! We need all the help we can get
I tired the image again and it still isn't working. Instead of inserting the image in to a cell, it just randomly floats in the middle of the spreadsheet
I replied on the other thread before I saw this one...Here's my suggestions for categories...

How about adding a spot for pics of babies and a pic of the actual eggs they produce. That would be wonderful. Maybe even a spot so you could have male pics and female pics for the breeds that look different.
I've always wanted to do this... I think it's important to get Height/weights as a catagory, and loudness of females too! I think those are things people look for when they are deciding a a breed...

Other suggestions:
egg yeild
Egg color
Brooding ability
Those are in the chart already nettie. I added the broodiness yesterday.

Lolli, the photos are turning out to be problematic. You can't embed them in a cell, they just float on top in an image layer. If you edit the spreadsheet, the pics wont "move" with the row you want it to be in.

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