Hello! I'm new here, learning about ducks.


Feb 1, 2022
Hello, thank you for letting me join.

I'm here to find out about ducks! I inherited 30 small white ducks when I bought my current house. Over 11 years they gradually died out (partly because over time there were only drakes left). They were free-range, and some flew away while some succombed to the occasional fox.

I recently acquired 7 ducks as replacements but they are much bigger - 2 cayugas and 4 white campbells, plus a white campbell drake with a damaged beak, who can't swim - I'm guessing this is because he can't preen himself very well and isn't properly buoyant. At the moment they lay 1-2 eggs a day but I am hoping this will increase with the warmer weather.

I'm learning about the new ducks, but I miss my small ducks and watching them fly around the neighbourhood (they used to eat the sheep's feed in nearby fields).

These domestic ducks are far bigger. I came to this site to read about mallard genetics to see if it is possible I just had white mallards who interbred (the white ducks were introduced into the neighbourhood 40 years before I came to live here, nobody knows the breed any more). But I always thought they must be a specific breed.

I'd still like to identify my white ducks. They looked just like mallards but were pure white. They flew pretty well, slightly less strong than the mallards but often flew with our local mallards (whom we also feed). The ducklings were yellow. Definitely not call ducks (bills like mallards) - in every way looked like mallards but were pure white. Not runners as they walk like mallards, too. Not white campbells as far smaller (mallard sized).

If anyone can suggest what they were, or how I could find some more, I'd love to know. I shall read some more and maybe ask a question.

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