Hello from the UK!


Nov 7, 2021
Cambridgeshire, UK
Hi! I'm Sam :) (Or Kaiju if you rather)

I am fairly new to poultry. I started with quails, and have recently moved to keeping my absolute favourite animal - ducks! I do not have chickens (yet... lol!).

I currently have a fair few ducklings/young ducks. I have 5 runner ducks, 4 cayuga-mixes, and one pure cayuga. They are all fairly late season ducklings so are still young ish, though I'm not sure at what age they stop being called "ducklings" to be honest. I think they might always be baby ducks to me ;)

Almost all of them all live together... but my one cayuga duck is a bit of a special case. They were the only egg that hatched, and they imprinted on me. Despite my best attempts they are scared of the other ducks, so introductions are going slowly. "Ducky" (very original name, I know) has wound up living in the house with me, sleeps next to my bed (though half the time winds up IN my bed when I'm asleep) and is potentially the most spoiled duck who ever lived.

I currently have 6 Coturnix quails as well! I hope in Spring to hatch some more quail and potentially some bantam chickens. My christmas gift is a Brinsea incubator! :D

Other hobbies I have, I do art (animals/furries), I also breed mice and rats! I enjoy playing video games, playing the ukulele, cooking, and taking far too many naps.

I have a fair few other animals as well. I have a German Shepherd, a Shiba Inu, 6 ferrets, 2 rabbits (one Belgian Hare, one Continental Giant), a fair few fancy mice, rats, Spiny mice, a "blue eyed lucy" royal python, an anerythristic corn snake, a mack snow leopard gecko, and tropical fish. I love animals and looking after them and raising them gives me a sense of purpose, and something to do. I'm disabled and have severe anxiety, and struggle to leave the house, so my animals are a gigantic help in just letting me live my life and feel like I'm doing something.

I found BYC some time ago when researching ducks, quails etc and have found it a good resource of information. I decided to join because I've been reading threads here long enough - why not join up!

I think I've rambled enough, but yeah. Hello!
Thanks so much for the welcome everyone! :D I'm very glad to have finally signed up.

Its great to have u here with us!! :welcome
Fellow animal lover here!! I've always wanted a ferret!
Ferrets are great! If you ever do get them I recommend at least 2. They're loads of fun, I love all my pets but the ferrets are probably the most fun to play with. Or just toss down some toys and tubes and sit back and watch them go nuts lol! They're like having a perma-kitten. On speed.

They also litter train easy, so while their poop whiffs, we just scoop it twice a day, change the litter weekly, and there's little to no smell.

Hi! :frow welcome to the BYC community :) sounds like you've got a zoo :p I love ducks but man they're messy :lol:
Definitely a little bit of a zoo here, haha! I wouldn't have it any other way though.
Messy is an understatement lol! I love them to bits so they're worth all the trouble. Of course, if they could poop a little less, I wouldn't complain!

Hello, Sam, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Animals are great emotional therapy.
They definitely are! There isn't much that makes me as happy as making my animals happy. It might be hard work sometimes but the reward is worth it.

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