Heatlamp at night

I would start working on weaning them off heat...Raising the lamp or moving it further away, or swapping to a lower wattage bulb, will help with that.

A simple first step: move the heat lamp to one corner of the brooder, so the other corner is a bit cooler. Then yes, I agree to swap it for a lower-wattage bulb or move it outside the brooder so it shines in but doesn't put in as much heat.

In the room it’s around 70, In the brooder it’s 90
Even when they first hatch, chicks do not need 90 degrees everywhere. They need one spot that warm, but it is good for them to have cooler areas as well. Then they can adjust themselves to varied temperatures by moving around. They start to enjoy the lower temperatures from a very young age, as long as they have a place to warm up when they feel chilly.
They really don't care about the light. As chicks they eat and sleep. Middle of the the day they'll just flop and be sleeping in an awkward position that looks like death itself. Just like two year old humans.

By the time they are three or four weeks old they don't need the heat lamp in that 70 degree room or outside. They'll get used to the daylight cycle then.
Mine are about 3.5 weeks. Do they no longer need the heat source? The room temp is above 70 degrees
They shouldn't need it at that age provided they're all healthy, decently feathered birds.
Thank you! They’re all currently under it & I think they’re decently feathered. The room temp is 75.


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