Healthy membrane?


Premium Feather Member
Sep 21, 2022
I know this is a long shot- but does anyone have a photo of what a “healthy” membrane should look like just before/ at hatch?

My last duck eggs hatched late and needed assistance. The turkeys came out pretty well.

I thought the last ducklings needed help because the turkey poults kicked the duck eggs around like soccer balls- and I opened the bator a few times before just pulling the poults out.

I had one malpositioned duckling- beak up but one foot over its head. One, feet down but not with a wing up. Two looked “right”. All had internally pipped, were several (4) days late, membranes seemed thick, looked white- ish, veins were very tiny when I hit them w coconut oil and opened them up just a bit.

All four hatched - 1 needed one more coconut oil treatment.

Now... moving onto the next set.
I think I need suggestions on a reliable hygrometer. I’m using a HovaBator 2370 as my hatching bator. With a humidikit to keep humidity as stable as possible. I’m running it currently at ~68%
Yes. Secondary thermometer and hygrometer but. I’m not trusting my tools
:(. What hygrometer do you use??

It’s been about 30 hours since several external pips.
I hear no peeping. See very little wobbling. I mark “top” when I set eggs for lockdown and all of my marks are still at top dead center.
At hatch, the effort to position themselves usually moves the top mark.

So. I quickly grabbed the one that pipped first. Carefully opened up the air cell. Saw another basically white / translucent membrane.
Oiled it up.
Opened it up around her beak.
She was not gasping for air, but seemed happy and started peeping immediately.
I haven’t seen her yawning/ chewing but I worked fast and put her back into the bator...
I didn’t take a before photo, but I do have an “after/ oiled” pic. I see more veins than I’d like, but she only had the -tiniest- pinhole through the membrane and it seemed so tough :/

....if you were in my shoes... would you open up more of these eggs and get them lubed/ check the babies.... or just wait?

They are technically on day 27 of what should be 28. The length of time since “proper” (through the air sac) external pip is what is concerning me :/
My gut says assist.
My brain says wait.
My memory reminds me that I had three c sections and sometimes life needs help to thrive.

All opinions are welcome ❤️


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By the photo it looks like there are lots of active veins, but it's a picture so I'm not so sure.
I don't think it's ready for assistance, but if it looks like all the veins have dried/disappeared then update us.
I have only done one successful assisted hatch before, so maybe don't take my advice too seriously. All I know is if it bleeds, stop.
Thank you ❤️
The smaller veins are gone.
The larger veins are small but present.
I didn’t make this little lady bleed opening up her breathing hole.

but. Now I’ll have more work to keep her “lubed” until she’s ready.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t 😂
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Well, she is breathing, lubed up, and still doing well so far.
I have left the other eggs alone.

Thank you all for your thoughts....

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