Hatchery with the "Best" Saipan Jungle Fowl?? PLEASE READ!!

Hi Gresh,

You probably already have them, but I ordered some from Purely Poultry and plan on keeping a picture log of how they turn out. I'm new to this chicken thing, but got the fever bad after getting my kids some chicks at Tractor Supply. Like many newbies I got on the web and came across pics of the Mythical Saipan Jungle Fowl and ordered some. I realize after reading many posts here and other sites that they are truly Mythical. Never the less, I'll take pics and post. I'll let the experts be the judge as to what the really are. Good luck on your quest!

Thanks! I can't wait to see your pictures. I have done a bit of research and talked to a good many people and have discovered that hatchery-stock Saipans are not all they're said to be. Many times they are crossed with common barnyard breeds so that their egg-laying is better. This is a shame to the Saipan bloodline and ruins the overall look of the bird.

However, since Saipans are not totally like normal Orientals, they are easier to breed and hatchery Saipans are not always bad. If the pics on Cackle Hatchery's website are of Cackle's stock, then for a hatchery they have some impressive birds. However, most hatchery Saipans only reach like 6-9 pounds at max when the real-deal is supposed to reach a whopping 13+.

I haven't seen pics of Purely Poultry's Saipans so I hope that yours turn out better than most. Purely Poultry is a "middle-man" hatchery and as far as I know they get every single bird from other places, whether breeders or other hatcheries.

If you want the purest Saipans, try visiting Ultimatefowl Forum. Though I personally prefer BYC, Ultimatefowl is the main hub for game-chicken breeders and there are a couple/few Saipan breeders on there.However, purebred Saipans are extremely rare, so if you want them you may have to pay some very steep prices for them.

Hope your birds turn out well, and keep me updated with photos!

God bless,
Thanks Gresh,

At this point I don't expect to get Super Chicken out of this batch. These will be mainly pets for the jungle like setting we live in here in WV. They will have all kinds of free range opportunities. If I get one or two good ones I'll be happy. Most important will be the photo log of what you really get from hatcheries. Good or bad the pictures won't lie. I will do my best to give them everything they need to reach there full potential. There will be a learning curve along the way for me as I am new to the chicken game.

Thanks for the reply,

I look forward to the pics cooper itll be nice to see what you get. People always go on about how bad hatchery stock is but Im sure you got a decent chance of getting some nice birds as well. Goodluck!
Thanks D3,

Just got word my new ship date is now 05/16/2012. I gotta say Purely Poultry is on top of any questions and updates. The new date is fine by me. It will give me more time to set up their housing properly. It will consist of a Dr. Bobs welded wire 5x10 kennel (which is expandable by adding panels) http://reviews.tractorsupply.com/05...5-ft-w-x-10-ft-l-x-6-ft-h-reviews/reviews.htm and an electric fence to remind my dog and all other potential predators and my I'm always watching. When it stops raining I will set it up and post a pic.

Thanks for the interest,


Finally got them. I received 11 instead of 15. I was refunded the difference immediately. All were very healthy and alert and continue to be that way. Maybe its just wishful thinking, but they are much more wild acting than the chicks I got at TSC. They move and act as a group. Not afraid of hands in the cage, they will run up and peck to see if your food or something that need to be driven away. Posture has changed since the pics, much more upright. Anyway, sorry for hijacking you post Gresh. I will start a new one once I figure out this site better.

I got some Saipan Jungle Fowl from Cackle Hatchery this year. They were pretty healthy--- only one didn't make it. They are doing fine now. One thing--- I had some Brahma chicks with them in the order and had to separate them at about 3-4 weeks old.

This is the picture that I took of them this morning. I don't know if they look right for the breed, but they seem healthy enough.
I have noticed that Stromberg's, which carried Saipan Jungle Fowl in its 2011 catalog, does not have them in the 2012. I've started a list of hatcheries offering Saipans on my blog. So far I have: Cackle hatchery, Ideal, Purely Poultry and Double R Country Store. (The list is at http://insellyr.blogspot.com/p/saipan-jungle-fowl-hatcheries-and.html, if you are curious.)

If anyone knows of other hatcheries or breeders, please let me know.
I'm new to BYC so still learning how threads work. I see these are old posts but thought I'd mention I have on order Saipans from Cackle & Ideal. Cackle is much higher priced but thought if the gene pool is that small get from both & breed Hens from 1 to Cocks of the other & visa versa. I hope they are all they say they are. I have a lot of different chickens & a few ducks but the whole family is most excited about these big knarly looking chickens! I will try to keep you posted on them after I get them.

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