Greetings, everyone.

Old Timer

In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2020
Hello, and obviously I am new to the forum. I have been raising poultry my whole life and I truly appreciate all of the breeds. However, being a frugal hillbilly who lives in rural Ozarks I am in constant development of my own hens which is a challenge when meeting my strict criteria; I am serious about a tough, working flock. In no certain order; good egg layer (200 eggs), feed efficient ie. good forager, evade predators but not too flighty toward me, and the most difficult, a good setter. I do not like yellow or pale legs and maybe it is just my imagination but I honestly believe a color legged hen (green, slate or black) has more longevity. Feather color really doesn't matter to me although white is out because of hawks and such. Blood lines that I am currently using are Golden penciled Hamburgs, Black breasted Old English, Dominique, Black Australorp, Brown Leghorn and Ameraucana, Thank you, and I look forward to reading y'all posts.

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