Got a new flock!!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 4, 2012
I gave my four hens I had away to my roommate's mother because we thought we were going to move to an apartment. Well, turns out we are staying in this town and moving to my old house with a nice fenced in backyard, and I still have my chicken tractor! Soooo, I got chicken fever and drug him with me to the lady's house I bought my hens from last time. I was determined to get only certain purebreds, but of course with his help we ended up with two mutts, lol. They are all around 2 months old and instead of 4 I got 6.....oooppss, lol. He said he build me another tractor, yay! I may have to get two more then........hmmm. I ended up getting a Black Copper Maran (she showed me the parent's eggs, very nice!), a silver laced Wyandotte, an Americauna, a Barred Rock, and two mixed, supposedly mixed Wyandotte with RIR, but one has grey legs and they are both lighter colors, white with black speckles. Will have to get pics to have you guys help me out with what they are and what sex, can't have roosters in town! But I'm very happy with my new bunch and excited!!!
Also, has anyone heard of pullets from a Wyandotte and RIR that are white with black speckles or black necks?
Thank you!
You're welcome! Do the chickens have names? Or not yet? But, I guess if they're broilers, might not wanna name your food.
No names yet, they will be for laying hens/pets hoping two of them are not roosters since I live in town. Got to go get some pics and post on here to get some expert advice, charging my camera battery right now. One of them if it is a rooster will be going to my roommates mom who has my four girls I raised to breed with them, I miss them...sigh. Wish I had waited on giving them away until I knew for sure. Oh well, she has spoiled them and they are laying like champs for her. I have discovered the Easter Egger is a bit of a B, lol! She doesn't like to let anyone else eat if she can help it! The Marans and Wyandotte are both fairly laid back, and the Barred Rock is comical like my last one. Gonna be hard to come up with names this time! My other four were all flower names, Petunia, Rosie, Myrtle, and Zinnia.
Well, I took your advice and googled chicken names and ended up back here on another thread. Saw someone who had them named for the characters of Steel Magnolias and had to steal it for mine!! My roommate and I love that movie and Dolly Parton, lol, and that movie was actually playing right before we left to go get the chickens, so it's soooo fitting for ours! The Black Copper Maran is M'lynn, the Barred Rock is Truvy, The Silver laced Wyandotte is Shelby, The Americauna is Ouiser, One mixed one is Annelle and the other one is Clairee. We went to a function with my parents this afternoon/evening so I didn't get my pics, but I will tomorrow. My dad said he had a lot of pallets so when we move to the other house my roommate is building them a bigger coop, YAY! Maybe I can get two more......LOL!

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