Gender Identification Please


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 5, 2007
Here's 3 Golden Laced Cochin Bantams that I'd like to identify since I'll be selling them.

I believe this one is a roo

Another pic of him. Hope you can see the comb and wattles well enough.

And I think these are hens. (Hopefully!)
How old are they?

They all look pretty hen-ish to me, but as I'm having gener issues with my own GL Cochin bantams I'm probably not the best judge.
Have you heard any crowing attempts? My (definite) roo started in at about three weeks, and almost has a decent crow now at eight weeks.

Either way, nice looking birds! Are they your own or from a hatchery?
Sorry, forgot to put when they were hatched: May 27th, so that would make them about 5 weeks old or so.

The bottom 2 look like hens to me, also. The top one I am not so sure about. No crowing attempts yet.

I don't have a roo (can't keep one) so they are not my own stock, but some eggs were from and others were chicks from hatchery.

I'm in love with cochins!

Hmm.. I'm not the best judge, since I have my own flock of ladies.. and one or two that may be in disguise...

But they look like hens to me, too. The slightly larger comb may just indicate a slightly faster maturing girl. My BRs all are the exact same age, but their comb sizes go from small (in a bird who has light coloring like a roo), to medium (including one with waddles starting that I think is a roo) to larger (in my definite hen). Sometimes it really is wait and see. My group are 7.5 weeks, and no crowing attempts yet, so I may have all girls. This sexing thing isn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be!

They hatched on May 27th, so that would make them about 5 weeks old or so.
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Wow... I really hope they are all hens!

That first one worries me because its comb is a wee bit bigger... but no real wattle growth and it is extremely friendly ... loves to jump on laps. Cross your fingers!

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