Geese - understanding humans

Going Bhonkers

7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
SW Florida
Being new to geese this year, I have been taken aback by how intelligent geese are. OH, they're still silly, but they're smart!!

My geese understand the words for "water", "come", "here", "No!!" (of course), and the name we call them - I dont think they understand their individual names, but they know when we're referring to them when we say "Pios", a nickname we gave them as goslings. They also seem to recognize my dog's name, when we call him.

I'm working on teaching them to recognize the word "lago", spanish for pond, by repeating it anytime we're near it, but that one is taking a little longer to stick.

What are some of the words / commands your geese have learned?
how old are your geese? cause mine are maybe a year now and they are really mean

My pair hatch out April of this year. My gander can be a little jerk sometimes, but we've taught him to behave. He's the one who gets "No!!" a lot. My goose on the other hand is a very gentle little spirit
. You have to work a lot with them, for sure.
ya mine bite and hiss they are such stinkers the only reason we keep them is because they actually keep our chickens safe from coyotes :yesss:
My geese respond to just about everything I shout; "goose," "ducky", "chicken," or even "dog". The two phrases I do think they understand though, are when I shout "Hey, get out of there!" (when they're in the garage again) and "Geese, time for bed!" (when I come out with the big bucket of feed).
I agree GB, ours know when we are talking to them. Each group has its own pet name and respond to it. Some know their individual names too, and will respond when told no and lets go. here they know go to bed, come on, hurry up. At least they appear to respond correctly to our verbal commends. The dewlaps (juveniles) will come to their gate when called for at night for bed. Hoping the new 4 will catch on and join them soon.

They also know what feed pan gets what food. Doesn't matter if I am filling the pan over here some will wait near the other and eat from it first.

They recognize our dogs too, and are leery of the puppy, but pay no attention to the two older Pyrenees.
The six geese we have all know their name and will respond when I call them, or at least they will respond if they feel like it.

I started a tradition about a month ago just to see if it would help with putting the geese inside for the night.

I go out to the yard and stand near them, tell them it's time for bed, then I start walking towards the garage where their pen is located. Now this is where it gets silly: I sing "Soft Kitty" while I walk towards the pen slowly. I decided to do that because Sissy is blind in one eye. If she hears me singing, she knows what time it is and to follow my voice. And oddly enough, they follow me! Dave says he's going to take video of me doing this one night, which I hope he doesn't, because I can visualize this being the next odd viral video of the crazy goose lady singing to her flock.
The six geese we have all know their name and will respond when I call them, or at least they will respond if they feel like it.

I started a tradition about a month ago just to see if it would help with putting the geese inside for the night.

I go out to the yard and stand near them, tell them it's time for bed, then I start walking towards the garage where their pen is located. Now this is where it gets silly: I sing "Soft Kitty" while I walk towards the pen slowly. I decided to do that because Sissy is blind in one eye. If she hears me singing, she knows what time it is and to follow my voice. And oddly enough, they follow me! Dave says he's going to take video of me doing this one night, which I hope he doesn't, because I can visualize this being the next odd viral video of the crazy goose lady singing to her flock.
Good for you and Sissy!

I have to comment on food as well. At bedtime, I give them their regular feed, and sprinkle a little bit of corn on top (since I learned that corn = candy, I use sparingly). My geese get excited for dinner, but my gander especially looks forward to the corn. He'll look at the food, then stand in front of me... waiting... for the yellow stuff. He knows which container has the corn, and if I take too long in bringing it down from the shelf, he'll nibble on my shoe (there's a difference between his nibble and his regular ol' bite) as if to say Hurry up or Hey, you forgot something.

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