Garden fanatics?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
I was wondering if anyone wanted an open discussion on gardening? Sharing tips, etc. ? I absolutely love gardening and spend most of my fee time in my garden, or with my chickens. I like to give the, some of the greens I grow :)
I hope to take the camera with me tomorrow to take pictures of the garden progess for this month. But I love it too.

Went to my fave rummage sale and picked up a bunch of used books to read about gardens and gardening
Does anybody here use the raised bed gardening thing? We are using it this year and we love it! We built a bunch of 4 by 10? raised beds and made rows of them. It reduces weeds and back pains. its raised it by about 1 and 1/2 feet. takes time to dig out the rows to fill the beds, but its totally worth it. :)
Does anybody here use the raised bed gardening thing? We are using it this year and we love it! We built a bunch of 4 by 10? raised beds and made rows of them. It reduces weeds and back pains. its raised it by about 1 and 1/2 feet. takes time to dig out the rows to fill the beds, but its totally worth it. :)

I have 8 raised beds, each 12 feet long and 3 feet wide. (and hardware cloth on the bottom to keep gophers out) I also have an area that I plant into the ground. I prefer the raised beds - less tilling and they require a lot less water.
I have a pretty huge backyard garden, I am absolutely in love with gardening! I am really into heirloom seeds and unique types of veggies. I have Rattlesnake, Cherokee Trail of Tears, Mennonite Purple Stripe, Cherokee Wax, and Kentucky wonder beans growing. Tons of tomatoes of all kinds, orange tendersweet and moon and stars watermelon and lots more stuff! I will be getting my chickens in a few days so they will get all kinds of goodies, right now I have lots of chard, lettuce, cabbage, and collards.
This year we did "permanent garden beds".They are not "raised beds" but are still beds.I don't walk in them to limit soil compaction for better root growth.
They are 4ft wide by 16ft long and are working GREAT so far.You can plant alot more in beds than you can rows.Thanks to the chicken manure from our SQ flock of Dom's,the soil is really rich.
This year we planted:tomato's,squash,cucumbers,zukes,peppers,green beans,corn,water melons,carrots,turnips,onions,lettuce.
Most of my time is dedicated to the birds or the garden.

I have a pretty small garden compared to most of you, but next year I hope to expand! I also used the raised bed method and it does reduce weeds, but it doesn't eliminate them entirely, sadly.

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