Funniest chicken names

Curly, Shirly, Missile, Bananasplit, Banana, Orange juice, and yet still more,
My funniest current chicken names are probably:
Fryer- RI Red hen--don't know how she got that name, we're not gonna eat her
Duck- Dominique--used to love to stand in the waterer as a chick (got the water all dirty!). I give the girls mash in the morning, feed mixed with hot water, since it's cold out. Duck doesn't eat any of it, she just stands in the mash to warm her feet or something.

Here's one of my cousins':
Zubba!!!!!!!!!- EE hen, really don't know how she got the name
She's not a Chicken, but I have White Guinea Hen with a strip of dark feathers down the back of her neck and she always seems to have poop on her back too. Never fails, every time I want to get a pic of her she is all stained/smeared with poop!!!! So I named her "Ms Poopstain" lol... or just "Poopy" for short... and SHE KNOWS HER NAME

The other day I bathed her, washed off all of the poop, then blew her dry with a hair dryer for a photo op...
Turns out she actually has some pigmented feathers on her back, and it wasn't ALL poopstains after all, lol

ETA... I also have a group of overly agressive male Guineas that are destined for freezer camp... their names are:
'Tisser (rotisserie), Crocker (crockpot), Baker (baked in the oven), Stuffer (stuffed), Stewer (stewed), Brasier (braised), Griller and BBQ (both self explanatory)
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I have a little roo named Hercules (Hercs for short) -mainly because that was re-run on TV at the time when we bought the chicks home. So we said "what shall we call it?" *drew a blank on any NORMAL name to call a pet...then looked at TV for inspiration* "Ooooh Hercules is on...."
Have a little hen called Xena warrior princess or (ZeeZee or short) -because of the TV show Xena warrior princess was on next after Hercules ! Also for a small hen she looks like she could kick your butt!
I'm such a dork
PeepsCA: Poopy kinda reminds me of the movie My life in Ruins. I like it. :p

I have a chicken called LT, for short. She's named after a navigation electronics system. :lol:

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