Frozen Watermelon = LOVE


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
I have been feeding my chickens watermelon since it's record-breaking hot here in South Georgia. They seem to really love it, and I guess it's good for them, since it helps them get liquid and has lots of lycopene. Anyway, today I bought one, cut it up and froze it, then fed it to them. You have never seen such happy birds! Just thought I would pass the tip along.
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I cut one that was past good, but not spoiled, in half and gave it to my girls and they loved it! All that was left was the skin. They even ate the rind. I did not freeze it, but it's not very hot here yet.
I give my chickens watermelon as treats to ,they like it frozen or right out of the fridge,Ok They love it not like,,LOL Try to stay cool Ga is HOT HOT HOT lately and the smoke is Horrible from the fires!
GREAT Suggestion! Putting a big 'ol slice in the freezer in preparation for tomorrow's heat. I also freeze a big bowl of water, then put it in an oversized kitty litter box (or any plastic container with sides). As the ice melts they dip their feet in the mini-swimming pool
I love that idea about putting it in a kitty litter box:) I do freeze all kinds of treats for them daily since the heat is so bad here,heck you can freeze just about anything ,they seems to enjot it all,,I think maybe mine are kin to lil piggies:lau
I give mine the watermelon after we have gotten most of the heart out of it and my chickens eat it clean down to the very outside of the watermelon. They also like to "pick" their own blackberries and will jump up and grab plums off of my trees. They also like to run the cats away from anything that I put out for the cats.

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