Free ranging and warty eggs


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Bay City, TX
Up until the past couple of weeks the eggs my hens have laid have had perfectly smooth shells. Lately I've been letting them free range, and I've started to get warty shells. Not lots of bumps, but a small cluster at one end. What could the darn birds be getting into that is making their shells warty?
I had a egg teh size of a regular birds egg in coop that has bumps all over it, I am thinking one of the guineas laid it. Would like to hear wha the bumps could be.
I know that much like blood spots and meat spots, they're harmless, and unlike blood spots and meat spots, aren't even gross, but it still makes it harder to sell my eggs :(
My regular customer, who is also a friend, doesn't care about the shape of the eggs, including the clumps. She knows they're farm fresh eggs and the appearance doesn't affect the taste. Her husband absolutely LOVES our eggs.
My regular customer, who is also a friend, doesn't care about the shape of the eggs, including the clumps. She knows they're farm fresh eggs and the appearance doesn't affect the taste. Her husband absolutely LOVES our eggs.

I saw this picture on facebook and thought it was really cool on free ranged eggs. Thought you might enjoy.
Mine have also started getting these warty eggs. All 6 hens - they were smooth until a week or 2 ago. Mine free range half the day. Must be something in the spring weeds:)

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