Hello everyone.

Rosie is recovered and back to almost 100%. She hates to admit it, but the antibiotic and steroid shots work wonders for her when she is sick. My child has a huge fear of needles when they involve her. I need a shot or help inserting the insulin pump or sensor, she wants to do it. She is too happy to jab me with a needle. Grandma is in a coma, she has been since late Friday, early Saturday morning. She is breathing, and her heart is beating, but me and mom feel she left us Thursday. She has no response to anything, and her eye's remain half closed and do not even react to light. It really unnerves me if I am being honest. Her bp is now down to the 60/50 range as of yesterday. We have not checked it today, waiting on the RN to come out. I have my camera charging and will go out for pictures today. I need to get some of Poppet ruling over her domain. She is fully integrated into the flock and a busy body in everyone's business. I have been hiding outside a bit. I cannot sit inside 24/7 now and watch this. I am not alone in my need to get away. Grass did NOT need it, mom mowed it Sunday.
Lots of love :hugs:hugs:hugsglad Rosie is doing well and prayers for Grandma’s remaining time to be peaceful and painless.
So early this morning
The water bowl is frozen.

Opened the coop an hour or so later, and temps up to @38 degrees F.
Blurr and Focus

The venturing forth is happening, while staying close for warm ups
Sadly there is some bad news from here today. Sir Jaffar has been feeling poorly since yesterday afternoon. He hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday. He is still with us, but he keeps his eyes closed and is still refusing food and water. I’ll make him some scrambled eggs in a few minutes. He won’t even eat steak bits (his favorite thing) :(
His 💩 poop has green plants in it. So he’s been eating the grass and the terrible poison weeds that are coming up all over the yard. I checked inside his throat, but didn’t see any restrictions.
Sadly there is some bad news from here today. Sir Jaffar has been feeling poorly since yesterday afternoon. He hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday. He is still with us, but he keeps his eyes closed and is still refusing food and water. I’ll make him some scrambled eggs in a few minutes. He won’t even eat steak bits (his favorite thing) :(
Very interesting story! I see Kara has a bandage on her left foot. For bumblefoot? So Kara keeps everyone in line? What is her rank? I don’t recall hearing her name before. edit: So that was an egg inside Kara there in the X-ray, very cool.
That was a great X-ray! Being able to see the egg was very interesting. So different when it’s a soft egg and can’t see anything.
His 💩 poop has green plants in it. So he’s been eating the grass and the terrible poison weeds that are coming up all over the yard. I checked inside his throat, but didn’t see any restrictions.
Sure hope Sir Jaffar feels better soon, maybe some time with his ladies…? I know you are taking excellent care of him.
His 💩 poop has green plants in it. So he’s been eating the grass and the terrible poison weeds that are coming up all over the yard. I checked inside his throat, but didn’t see any restrictions.
Poison plants...? Do you know what they are called?

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