You know before I had this motley crew of chooks I had a lot more bedtime drama. Lately now though (since winter), I have noticed that everyone seems to be getting along at bed time.

I think it’s because I have a hoard of them all wanting to mostly roost together. They March in there around 6pm and start getting in their spots and settle down for the night.

Do those of you with hoards of chickens also find this?

Not to be an enabler but have you given any thoughts on getting a few more? I know you worry about them picking up something but your chicks from last year have thrived under your care. It might solve some of the Piglet issues, she won’t be the only one odd man out then.

Just a thought 😊💕
With you more chickens is always the answer! :gig:lau:gig:lau
I need a bag of something soon, might try the Kalmbach!

Chewy also sells Nutrena Free Range Egg Producer Layer Feed 21% (3.45-3.95% calcium, 3.5% fat 4.5% fiber, Lysine 1.% min, methionine .32%)

And the Kalmbach All Natural 20% Full Plume Feathering, (3.5% - 4.5% calcium, 3.0% fat min, 4.5% fiber max, Lysine 1%, methionine .4%)
I ordered the Nutrena. I hope the girls like it!

Roxy has had severe intestinal reactions to change in feed in the past (bloated, bleeding intestines that resulted in severe anemia), so I’ll be careful when I incorporate it.
With you more chickens is always the answer! :gig:lau:gig:lau
Ahem… and who’s fault is that???

Have chicks it’ll be fun! What’s a few more…..

Oh it only 27 that’s nothing …

Now I have 32!

Unless I discount the 2 Roos and the oldsters who don’t lay anymore!! In which case I really only have 20! 😁
I ordered the Nutrena. I hope the girls like it!

Roxy has had severe intestinal reactions to change in feed in the past (bloated, bleeding intestines that resulted in severe anemia), so I’ll be careful when I incorporate it.
I always mix my previous bags of feed with the new - even the same brands.

Gosh I hope she is ok with the change this time 💕
You are a total enabler!

I can’t get chicks this year in part because I will be away for six weeks in the summer. I am worried enough about the cats and grown Princesses. I would lose my mind if there were chicks too!
Oh yes I know what you mean! I was a total wreck when I had to travel that one week when Henny’s chicks hatched! Thankfully they were ok their fist week to just hang out in that big crate of mine. But gosh I had the stall cam set up in the crate to spy on them hahaha.

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