I was looking thru my pictures library and

found this picture of an oceanic chicken:
(It could be a sea raven also)
They won’t go in the pop door yet to roost, but they’ve found the veranda a great area to lounge on! Hopefully familiarity and comfort will extend to the coop soon.

It's not like the Buckeyes have been terrors in the coop to them, quite the opposite! Popcorn moves away, even twice retreated to the nestbox with Hazel to get away from the Spuds' hullabaloo.
Said Buckeye Hazel

She's checking out the new changes. Warming panels just temporarily hung higher to get the new boards in

Here's the pavers under it, changed it so the edge bricks could lie flat, and then got a second square done

But true, Hazel was at the pile after booting out the Spuds (they came back three times and did get a dustbath in). Improvement in relations with her, they are acting more like they were with Butters, respectful but not freaked out.
They loved the pile
Gosh yea she is spectacular- the frizzle really shows the feather detailing.

Camping you say? I will need to read about them. I have not seen anything like that here in Ontario.

Edit - autocorrect again - campine I meant!
The Campine was originally bred in Belgium & come in 2 colours: silver & gold. They are now quite rare worldwide ~ probably because they aren't easy to keep. All of mine have been fliers, fence hoppers, & great foragers. Even the half acre I am presently on isn't big enough to contain my Campine to her territory. The 1st time I let one of my silvers out of the pen to free range she took of & flew a couple hundred yards downhill. The downhill part was easy but she also managed to fly back uphill. As pullets they were super flighty screamers who tried to brain themselves any time I was around but age has calmed them down somewhat. The roosters are hen feathered so sexing is difficult.

Having said that, I love these birds. They are really intelligent, funny, funny clowns & very gentle. They aren't aggressive or bullyish, get on well with other breeds & lay a large white egg pretty consistently. I keep Campines for entertainment & frizzles for eye candy. :lau

I have seen some American places advertise Campines but their birds rarely look like they meet the standard & generally seem poor quality. My original breeder also told me it is really difficult to breed the silvers true. The colours tend to bleed & 2 out of 3 silvers I had certainly had that issue.
I was looking thru my pictures library and

found this picture of an oceanic chicken:
(It could be a sea raven also)
View attachment 3662472
Sign says it’s a loading zone bird

We call them poop hawks….

I like them they fly really well! And I love when the farmers plow up fields and they follow the plow eating all the great things turned up by the plows.

One year my neighbour came over and cut my paddocks with his bush-hog, I watched as the Gulls snatched up rabbits, voles, mice, snakes…. Amazing all the critters in the paddocks long grass.


Misty, moulting even under her wings poor thing.

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